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Articles by Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly Johnson is a counselor, speaker, teacher, author, and founder of Divine Identity. She's also the author of Accountability: The Missing Piece, and Pure Life Academy's 40 Days of Purity Women. Most importantly, she is a broken but beloved daughter of God. Her experience and knowledge come not only from the hundreds of stories she has heard, but from letting Jesus love and heal her on her own journey of sexual brokenness.

Image for article: Hungry for Porn or Just Hungry?

Hungry for Porn or Just Hungry?

What in the world would make a fish go after a worm on a hook? Perhaps it’s because he’s just a total idiot. Or he’s a disgusting gluttonous pig who can’t control his desires. Maybe it’s because…

Image for article: What You Need to Hear if Your Husband Betrayed You

What You Need to Hear if Your Husband Betrayed You

As a counselor who specializes in sexual issues, I’ve heard from many wives with spouses who struggle with pornography. Their stories of courage fill my heart with gratitude for their resolve and strength. Their stories…

Image for article: Why I’m Sharing About My Masturbation Struggle

Why I’m Sharing About My Masturbation Struggle

A little over 12 years ago I read an amazing book by Joshua Harris called Not Even a Hint. The title was based off Ephesians 5:3, which reads, “But among you there must not be even a hint of…