Articles by Keith Rose
Keith Rose holds a Master of Divinity degree and BA in Sacred Music. Keith worked with the Covenant Eyes Member Care Team for 15 years. He has also served as a Bible teacher, pastoral assistant, and music director at his local church. He's now the editor of the Covenant Eyes blog and the author of Allied: Fighting Porn With Accountability, Faith, and Friends. He lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina with his wife Ruby and daughter Winslow. Contact Keith with blog inquiries.

Breaking Free From Sham Honesty, With Fr. Mike Schmitz
Sham Honesty vs. Authenticity Fr. Mike distinguishes what he calls “sham honesty” from true authenticity: “There was a man named Dietrich von Hildebrand and he wrote a book called The Trojan Horse in the City…

Porn and Loneliness: Breaking the Cycle
“I’m 18 years old and I have been watching porn since I was 13. It is painful to watch porn, but it is like a drug it is hard to shake off. I do it…

How Reading Books (For Fun!) Can Help You Overcome Porn
Are you on the lookout for new ways to fight the temptation to look at porn? Obviously, there are a LOT of great books and articles out there to help you quit porn. You can…

What Happens When You Stop Watching Porn?
So, you stop watching porn—what happens next? We find both good news and bad news, I’ll start with the bad. Stopping porn, especially if it’s a longtime habit, can be tough. If it were easy,…

Help for Porn Addicts: Finding the Right Treatment
Porn addicts often need help—but many people feel at a loss when it comes to this problem. A Covenant Eyes member named Jeffrey described his experience with porn addiction: “The most easily accessible door to…

Theology of the Body and Porn: A Conversation With Dr. Christopher West
Sexuality Points To God God designed sexuality and made it very good. “The Bible from beginning to end tells a story about marriage,” says Dr. West. And this tells us that sexual desire plays a…

Porn and Stress: How to Relieve Stress Without Relapsing
How do you handle stress? Is it possible that stress is causing you to relapse back into watching porn? This past summer, I went through one of the more stressful seasons of my life as…

Is Accountability Software Just “Shameware?”
Covenant Eyes is an anti-porn app for people who desire freedom from pornography but feel like they don’t have enough self-control to stop watching on their own. It’s an accountability tool for people who want…

Effects of Porn: What Watching Porn Does to You and Those Around You
What are the effects of watching porn? Are there any? Some have argued it’s a safe way to enjoy guilt-free sex without harmful effects. One author at New York Times expressed this viewpoint: “[P]ornography can…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.