Articles by Keith Rose
Keith Rose holds a Master of Divinity degree and BA in Sacred Music. Keith worked with the Covenant Eyes Member Care Team for 15 years. He has also served as a Bible teacher, pastoral assistant, and music director at his local church. He's now the editor of the Covenant Eyes blog and the author of Allied: Fighting Porn With Accountability, Faith, and Friends. He lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina with his wife Ruby and daughter Winslow. Contact Keith with blog inquiries.

Why Do I Struggle if I’m Dead to Sin?
If you’re a Christian, does it matter if you keep using pornography? The Bible answers this question in Romans 6. Paul has just finished explaining in chapters 3-5 how we are saved by grace through…

Porn in High School: 6 Reasons It’s a Serious Problem
Sadly, most high school students will encounter porn before they graduate. While passing around sexy pictures in school is nothing new, the ubiquity of today’s porn—and its intensely graphic nature—is unique. If you pay attention…

3 Ways Your Church Might be Paying “The Porn Tax”
Have you been to a struggling church before? You know—a group of people who show up more or less every Sunday morning, but it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone committed beyond that? Or maybe…

Can a Christian Love Porn? 4 Keys to a Christ-Centered Mindset
“I love Jesus, but I also love porn.” It’s hard to imagine that sentence being spoken aloud. But vast numbers of Christians live out this experience every day—feeling like they love what Jesus tells them…

Porn Counterfeits Naked Marriage: With Dave and Ashley Willis
What is “naked marriage” all about? We sat down with popular podcasters Dave and Ashley Willis to find out, and we learned an important message about God’s design for sex and how porn counterfeits it.…

Partners Against Porn: Talking With Fight the New Drug Founder Clay Olsen
Covenant Eyes has been helping people overcome porn for over 20 years. During that time, we’ve made some great friends and allies. One of those friends is Clay Olsen, founder of Fight the New Drug.…

4 Words of Wisdom From Al and Lisa Robertson
What does the famous Duck Dynasty Clan have to say to Covenant Eyes? We wanted to know, so our podcast team sat down with Al and Lisa Robertson to talk about their shows and other…

Tackling Taboos: How to Address Porn in Your Men’s Group
If you’re a men’s ministry leader, you likely have a need for men’s ministry resources. You need content that is hard-hitting, relevant, and deeply practical. And you need resources that address the most pressing issues…

Will You Go to Hell for Watching Porn?
“Can someone please help me to stop watching porn because, because I’m a Christian, I’m afraid that I might go to hell for this.” If you’re a religious person and you struggle with porn, you…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.