Articles by Keith Rose
Keith Rose holds a Master of Divinity degree and BA in Sacred Music. Keith worked with the Covenant Eyes Member Care Team for 15 years. He has also served as a Bible teacher, pastoral assistant, and music director at his local church. He's now the editor of the Covenant Eyes blog and the author of Allied: Fighting Porn With Accountability, Faith, and Friends. He lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina with his wife Ruby and daughter Winslow. Contact Keith with blog inquiries.

4 Reasons You Should Watch “The Blind”
The Covenant Eyes Podcast team recently made the trip DEEP into the heart of Louisiana to meet with Phil and Kay Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame, and to talk about their new movie, The Blind.…

Is Watching Porn Normal?
Statistics show that watching porn is extremely common—but does that make it normal? Two-thirds of men regularly consume pornography along with a third of women. So it is true that plenty of normal people watch…

Porn and Dopamine: Superstar or Supervillain?
Dopamine has received a lot of popular press these days, especially when it comes to things like watching porn. Depending on who you ask, you might think dopamine is a superstar or a supervillain. Once…

What is lust in the Bible?
You probably don’t hear the word “lust” very often outside of church these days. If, like me, you grew up in the heyday of evangelical Purity Culture, you probably heard it a lot! But even…

Will God Forgive Me for Watching Bad Things?
When is the last time you were watching something on your phone, your TV, or at the movie theater, and you saw something you shouldn’t? If you’re like most people, it wasn’t long ago. These…

5 Eye-Opening Revelations From 850 Scholarship Essays
Each year, Covenant Eyes holds a scholarship contest for current members who are enrolled as full-time students. This year, we had over 850 applicants! These amazing students answered questions about integrity using today’s technology, their…

No Condemnation For Porn
Many Christians believe two powerful and contradictory lies. On one hand, they tell themselves that watching porn isn’t that bad—it’s a personal decision that doesn’t affect anyone else. On the other hand, they’re terrified of…

Does Watching Porn Make You Dumber?
Does porn make you stupid? It might sound like a silly question. Or it might sound like an old wives’ tale that prudes would invent to keep kids from looking at porn—like the idea that…

Does Porn Cause Memory Loss?
By now, many people know that porn can affect their brains, but did you know that porn has been linked to memory loss? Over the past decade, a growing body of research has demonstrated that…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.