Articles by Jon Snyder
Jon Snyder is the author of the Mighty Man Manual and founder of Mighty Man Ministries. After battling with lust and pornography since childhood and trying everything under the sun to quit, it was a unique encounter with the love of God and its subsequent lessons that began to unravel a lifetime of bondage and bring about true freedom. Jon now sees these same lessons radically set men free world-over.

The Real Heart Cries Behind “God, Deliver Me from Lust!”
Over the years, I must have asked God over a thousand times to set me free from lust and pornographic addiction. To no avail. I just couldn’t understand why I seemingly received no help or…

How to Find Freedom from Lust
You’ll be free from lust when you’re dead. No, not dead in the physical sense, contrary to the very unscriptural advice that many well-intentioned people give when they say things like, “As long as you…

What Happens When Lust Trains Your Soul
While teaching at a men’s retreat, a standoffish young single challenged me with a purity question, “There are so many things in the Bible we don’t observe any longer. I mean, we don’t circumcise, or…

How to Overcome the Flesh
Most people who are parents, or have had parents, can relate to a scenario like this: A child is watching, doing or listening to something objectionable, and the parents either catch them or realize the thing…

Are You Repenting the Wrong Way?
How You Respond After Sinning Affects “The Next Time” As crazy as it sounds, did you know that there’s actually a wrong way to repent? The Bible teaches us that there is a right way…

How to Be Free From Sin: The Higher Law Than “Try Harder”
Most Christian men are on a treadmill of frustration when it comes to lust. They hate their sin and yet somehow never seem to break free from it. They may have periods of “victory” and…
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