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Articles by Jon Snyder

Jon Snyder is the author of the Mighty Man Manual and founder of Mighty Man Ministries. After battling with lust and pornography since childhood and trying everything under the sun to quit, it was a unique encounter with the love of God and its subsequent lessons that began to unravel a lifetime of bondage and bring about true freedom. Jon now sees these same lessons radically set men free world-over.

Image for article: Lust, Fantasies, and God’s Riches for Needy Souls

Lust, Fantasies, and God’s Riches for Needy Souls

Have you ever had a dream, and I don’t mean a good dream, but a raw, perverse, nasty, “I’d like to forget that as quickly as possible” kind of a dream? If not, that’s probably…

Image for article: The Real Heart Cries Behind “God, Deliver Me from Lust!”

The Real Heart Cries Behind “God, Deliver Me from Lust!”

Over the years, I must have asked God over a thousand times to set me free from lust and pornographic addiction. To no avail. I just couldn’t understand why I seemingly received no help or…

Image for article: Fantasies: The Window to Your Wound

Fantasies: The Window to Your Wound

Lust and fantasy are always symptoms of a deeper problem. The Bible says over and over in various ways that out of the heart flow the issues we face, not the other way around. Sin…

Image for article: How to Find Freedom from Lust

How to Find Freedom from Lust

You’ll be free from lust when you’re dead. No, not dead in the physical sense, contrary to the very unscriptural advice that many well-intentioned people give when they say things like, “As long as you…

Image for article: Sustaining Your Passion to Overcome Temptation

Sustaining Your Passion to Overcome Temptation

Have you ever heard a message that pulled you up by your bootstrap–that made you see something in a whole new light? After hearing it, you think, “Yes! Thank you, Jesus! This must be the missing piece…

Image for article: How to Move from Sin-Management to Real Freedom

How to Move from Sin-Management to Real Freedom

When it comes to addressing pornography use or other sexual sins in the church, we often need to work on our message. At best, the church tries to encourage people against these things, and at…

Image for article: What Happens When Lust Trains Your Soul

What Happens When Lust Trains Your Soul

While teaching at a men’s retreat, a standoffish young single challenged me with a purity question, “There are so many things in the Bible we don’t observe any longer. I mean, we don’t circumcise, or…

Image for article: Changing How We See Beauty

Changing How We See Beauty

King David was on his roof and saw a woman bathing. 2 Samuel 11 tells us that David found her “beautiful to behold,” seeing her according to the flesh. Most of us know how the…

Image for article: 3 Phases of Freedom

3 Phases of Freedom

“Who wants a healthy snack?” It’s fun to see how people respond to this question. You often have people on one end of the spectrum who turn up their nose at the very thought of…