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Articles by John Doyel

John Doyel dedicated himself to helping men recover from sexual sin and return to God. He led a recovery ministry at Vineyard Columbus called 180 Recover.

Image for article: 10 Keys to Victory Over Porn

10 Keys to Victory Over Porn

Be Honest with God and Yourself Victory over porn begins when you quit lying to yourself and God. You have more than a problem with porn. You can’t stop watching it no matter how many promises you…

Image for article: Why Can’t I Stop Watching Porn? 3 Reasons It’s Hard to Quit

Why Can’t I Stop Watching Porn? 3 Reasons It’s Hard to Quit

I can’t stop watching porn. No really, I want to. I have made promises and tried fresh starts in the New Year. I have even gone forward in church, gotten down on my knees, and begged…

Image for article: How to Be a Porn Addict’s Best Friend

How to Be a Porn Addict’s Best Friend

A friend of yours may be a porn addict, but if he’s still struggling, he might not be a really close friend. Everything about being an addict screams isolation and shame. Fear can be a strong…

Image for article: Surviving the Worst Day of Your Life: Confessing Porn Use to Your Spouse​

Surviving the Worst Day of Your Life: Confessing Porn Use to Your Spouse​

September 9, 2005 was the worst day of my life. Confronted by my church board leaders, I had to admit my addiction to porn and headed home to tell my wife and four children. I…

Image for article: 7 Attitudes that Hinder Recovery from Sexual Sin

7 Attitudes that Hinder Recovery from Sexual Sin

Why is recovery from sexual sin so incredible difficult? I believe millions of Christian men and women have realized that they have become hooked by this powerful sin and feel so defeated because it seems…