Articles by Jessica Harris
Jessica Harris is the founder of Beggar’s Daughter, a ministry dedicated to walking with women who have an addiction to pornography. Telling her own story of porn addiction and struggle with lust, Jessica seeks to help other women find hope, healing, and grace. Jessica enjoys traveling and speaking on the topic of female lust addiction and how churches can minister to women who struggle. She resides just outside of Washington DC where she works as a teacher and serves on the Biblical counseling team in her church. She is the author of Love Done Right: Devos—A Journey From Lust into the Love of God.

Pornography Damaged My View of Sex: Jessica Harris’ Story
“You need to stop viewing your past with pornography as addiction and sin and start viewing it as trauma and abuse.” I sat in a chair across from my counselor, weeks away from my wedding,…

Talking to Your Daughter About Sex and Porn: A Stage-by-Stage Guide
When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too soon? It’s a question many parents ask. They don’t want to overexpose their children or be guilty of stirring up temptation in their…

5 Ways to Serve the Sexually Broken
When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come to mind: Perhaps that is a shallow misrepresentation of how some people view missions. For many, though, it is a sad reality. Missions…

Sexual Sanity for Women (Book Review)
When I was asked to review Sexual Sanity for Women, I was far less than excited. As a woman who battled pornography addiction, I know the frustration of trying to find resources to help me.…
Secrets and Shame: Why we need to confess our porn struggles to others
“Everyone needs to write their stronghold down on a piece of paper and give it to your accountability partner.” My blood started to boil, and I set my jaw. Never before had I been more…
5 Reasons Purity Rings and Pledges Don’t Work
It might have been the most traumatizing day of my dramatic 13-year-old existence. My mom took me to the mall, and, only after walking into the department store, announced that she planned on buying me…

A Letter to Dad (From a Girl Who Got Trapped by Pornography)
I don’t blame him anymore; for a while, I did. He left, so it was easy to pin everything on him. My anger, insecurity and porn addiction could be traced back to one man—the man…

How Do I Kick a Masturbation Addiction? (For Women)
It’s time to address a taboo topic: female masturbation addiction. For quite a while now, masturbation has been a gray area of Christian sexuality. It is fairly “accepted” for men and rarely discussed among women.…
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