Articles by Jen Ferguson
Jen Ferguson is a wife, author, and speaker who is passionate about helping couples thrive in their marriages. She and her husband, Craig, have shared their own hard story in their book, Pure Eyes, Clean Heart: A Couple’s Journey to Freedom from Pornography. They continue to help couples along in their journeys to freedom and intimacy. She’s also a mama to two girls and two high-maintenance dogs, which is probably why she runs. A lot. Even in the Texas heat.

How to Confess Your Porn Addiction to Your Spouse
Every time I found out about Craig using porn, I either found it on the computer or I caught him in the act. All the while, whenever I asked him about his temptations or actions,…

Ok, You’ve Stopped Using Porn. Here’s How to Restore Your Marriage.
First, it’s awesome you’ve been kicking your porn addiction! This is really difficult. It’s a daily decision to deny your flesh, pursue God, and engage in the restoration of your marriage. Chances are if your…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.