Articles by Jen Ferguson
Jen Ferguson is a wife, author, and speaker who is passionate about helping couples thrive in their marriages. She and her husband, Craig, have shared their own hard story in their book, Pure Eyes, Clean Heart: A Couple’s Journey to Freedom from Pornography. They continue to help couples along in their journeys to freedom and intimacy. She’s also a mama to two girls and two high-maintenance dogs, which is probably why she runs. A lot. Even in the Texas heat.

4 Reasons Your Spouse May Keep Turning to Porn
My husband has been free from pornography for over four years, but I’m still discovering things about why he turned to porn all those decades ago. The truth? The reasons aren’t porn-specific. Porn, in many…

How Respect Shrivels the Power of Porn
If you had tried to convince me 11 years ago that I needed to respect my porn-addicted husband, I would have laughed in your face. Not the “funny ha-ha” kind of laugh. More like a sneer…

7 Conversation Starters to Discuss Your Porn Addiction With Your Spouse
Your journey to freedom from pornography most likely didn’t take only one conversation, one moment of healing, or one act of repentance. Instead, it’s been made up (or will be made up) of many rounds…

12 Secret (and not-so-secret) Ways Porn Changed Our Marriage
I will never say I’m grateful for pornography or that my husband, Craig, brought it into our marriage. However, I am grateful that God used his addiction to refine us and give us the marriage…

When Holidays Aren’t Happy: 4 Ways to Deal with Grief and Porn Addiction
My friend sent me a SOS text the other night. She had discovered a movie on their cable account that she suspected her husband had watched. Her text contained the normal anger and anxiety that…

6 Common Myths Wives of Porn Users Believe
In the era of fake news and the proliferation of the Internet, it can be hard to find the truth. With a push of a button, lies become viral and myths are perpetuated. Let’s get…

How to Approach Sex After Betrayal
Recently, Jake* contacted me via e-mail. He’d listened to almost every interview we had done and agreed with almost everything we had said, except for this: Porn is not about sex, but about fantasy. After…

4 Secrets the Porn Industry Hopes You Never Find Out
Porn’s power is largely based on the element of fantasy. Whatever you lust for, you can pretty much find it. All those things you’d thought you’d try or acts you think might satisfy you are…

4 Things to Remember About Your Husband’s Porn Problem
When dealing with the porn addiction of a spouse, it’s really easy to believe lies that make you feel inadequate. Here are the four most important things to remember about your husband’s porn problem. 1.…
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