Articles by Jeff Fisher
Jeff Fisher and his wife Marsha live in Raleigh, North Carolina. They run and have helped hundreds of sexual strugglers, spouses, and church leaders find help and resources. Jeff has podcasted for the last six years about sexual purity through his Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast (iTunes). Jeff can be reached at

Teaching Kids the Birds and the Bees Without the Butterflies (Book Review)
I like talking to my kids. I like when my kids ask questions. I like God’s gift of sex. So why is it so difficult to talk to my kids about sex? Why do I…

Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity (Review)
Clean is a good starter book for Christian men who struggle with sexual sin. It is also good for the church to help them understand the problem of sexual sin and learn how they can…

Moral Revolution (Book Review)
Good purity books don’t magically write themselves. They are forged out of the author’s own experience as a sexual struggler, as a minister working with sexual strugglers, or both. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About…
Helping Her Heal by Dr. Doug Weiss (Review)
Helping Her Heal is a two-disc DVD set from noted sexual addiction expert Dr. Doug Weiss. It offers practical tools for hearing the wife, partner, or girlfriend’s pain, navigating her grief and losses, and discovering…

Surfing For God (Book Review)
I was grateful to get an advanced copy of Michael John Cusick’s book Surfing For God: Discovering Divine Desire Beneath Your Sexual Struggle. I heard him on Nate Larkin’s Pirate Monk Podcast talking about his…

Boys Adrift: Book Review
The title of Boys Adrift offers a cogent summary of the purpose of the book. The author is concerned that today’s boys seem less motivated than those of the previous generation. Boys are also doing…
Pastors and Porn – Question #1: “Should I confess my struggle to other church leaders?”
Many of us as church leaders have growing sexual struggles. Our private life underneath does not match what we portray on the outside. Then the question arises, “Should I share my sexual struggles with my…
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