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Articles by Jeff Fisher

Jeff Fisher and his wife Marsha live in Raleigh, North Carolina. They run PurityCoaching.com and have helped hundreds of sexual strugglers, spouses, and church leaders find help and resources. Jeff has podcasted for the last six years about sexual purity through his Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast (iTunes). Jeff can be reached at jeff@puritycoaching.com.

Image for article: Where to Find an Accountability Partner

Where to Find an Accountability Partner

Are you ready to find an accountability partner but don’t know where to look? Accountability partners are friends at the deepest level. They are people with whom you will share your slips, struggles, challenges, and…

Image for article: Teaching Kids the Birds and the Bees Without the Butterflies (Book Review)

Teaching Kids the Birds and the Bees Without the Butterflies (Book Review)

I like talking to my kids. I like when my kids ask questions. I like God’s gift of sex.  So why is it so difficult to talk to my kids about sex? Why do I…

Image for article: 8 Encouragements For Those Doing Better with Sexual Purity

8 Encouragements For Those Doing Better with Sexual Purity

Some of you are doing better in your purity journeys. This article is for you.  To those who have experienced some victory in sexual purity: There are plenty of times where we fail, fall, and…

Image for article: How You and Your Spouse Can Figure Out Accountability

How You and Your Spouse Can Figure Out Accountability

What role does your spouse play in your accountability? It’s important for you to work it out. In this video, I suggests four questions you and your spouse need to consider and one wise suggestion…

Image for article: 5 Barriers to Finding the Right Accountability Partner

5 Barriers to Finding the Right Accountability Partner

How effective is your current accountability relationship? If you’re a Covenant Eyes user, your Accountability Partner is whoever is reviewing your weekly report. How do you know if you are doing accountability the right way?…

Image for article: Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity (Review)

Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity (Review)

Clean is a good starter book for Christian men who struggle with sexual sin. It is also good for the church to help them understand the problem of sexual sin and learn how they can…

Image for article: The Fantasy Fallacy (Book Review)

The Fantasy Fallacy (Book Review)

In the area of women’s sexual purity, Shannon Ethridge is a rock star. She’s a sought after writer, speaker and life coach. Her books include: Every Woman’s Battle, Every Young Woman’s Battle, and The Sexually Confident Wife. Her…

Image for article: Ashamed No More: A Pastor’s Journey Through Sex Addiction (Review)

Ashamed No More: A Pastor’s Journey Through Sex Addiction (Review)

A pastor and sex addiction. Sounds reprehensible doesn’t it? But author Tom Ryan is a real person, with a real background of family challenges. He was raised in a mainline Presbyterian church and brought to…

Image for article: Beyond Ordinary: When a Good Marriage Just Isn’t Good Enough (Review)

Beyond Ordinary: When a Good Marriage Just Isn’t Good Enough (Review)

Marriages don’t have to be ordinary. God can help couples find oneness and intimacy, or recapture it. The authors share from their marriage godly beginnings, deterioration, building resentment, the consequences of an extramarital affair, restoration,…