Articles by James Cordrey
James Cordrey is an author, blogger, and speaker who trains men how to fight for purity and freedom so they can escape the snare of pornography. He leads men on a journey of becoming the warriors they were designed to be in order that they may influence the world and their relationships for good. He loves the arts, the outdoors, sports, a good cup of tea, and stimulating conversation. James live near Philadelphia with his wife and three children. He more of his stuff at

Dismantling the Myth: “You Can Look, But You Just Can’t Touch”
Years ago I worked with a guy who was very open about the fact that he looked at pornography. He was married and had a few kids, but he brought porn magazines to work and…

Marriage After Porn: Milestones of Healing
There was a day in my marriage now known as The Confession—that moment when the reality of my pornography addiction came to light. For about six months, one day to the next there was plenty of fluctuation…
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