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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: 6 Ways My Husband Helped Me Heal From Betrayal

6 Ways My Husband Helped Me Heal From Betrayal

Let’s say my husband is driving a car, and I’m in the passenger seat. He reaches for his phone to reply to a text message, and we get in a wreck. He’s okay, but my…

Image for article: 10 Ways to Begin Talking to Your Children About Sex & Porn

10 Ways to Begin Talking to Your Children About Sex & Porn

Last we met, we left Zack and his father, Aaron, as they were about to have “the talk.” Before Aaron was ready to talk to his son about sex and porn, Aaron had to do…

Image for article: Promoting Porn for the Glory of God?

Promoting Porn for the Glory of God?

It has happened too many times to count: professing Christians have defended the use of porn as a tool for truth and beauty. That may sound like an absurd statement, but it is not unfounded.…

Image for article: Yes, You Must Confess Your Porn Problem to Your Wife

Yes, You Must Confess Your Porn Problem to Your Wife

It takes courage to admit that you’re addicted to porn. Letting your secret out to a friend is a crucial ingredient to freedom, but it is not enough. What now? Are going to tell me…

Image for article: To the Wife of a Porn Addict: Letting Go of Anger

To the Wife of a Porn Addict: Letting Go of Anger

I have had so many various emotions after discovering my husband was addicted to pornography three years ago. I had times of sadness and depression that would last for days. I was often confused and…

Image for article: Your Fear of Getting Caught Is Contributing to Your Porn Addiction

Your Fear of Getting Caught Is Contributing to Your Porn Addiction

What is your biggest fear? For me personally, it’s snakes. I hate snakes—even little, innocent, harmless garter snakes. I know they can’t hurt me. I’ve been told they’re more afraid of me than I am…

Image for article: Covenant Eyes: A False Sense of Security?

Covenant Eyes: A False Sense of Security?

Wilmer McLean was a wholesale grocer in Virginia at the time of the Civil War. A retired major in the Virginia Militia, at 47 Wilmer was considered too old to return to active duty at…

Image for article: An Open Letter to Pornography

An Open Letter to Pornography

Dear Pornography, I met you at a young age. As memory serves, I was around the age of seven the first time I was shown a pornographic magazine. Little did I know that it would…

Image for article: Understanding the 5 Mentalities of a Porn “Addict”

Understanding the 5 Mentalities of a Porn “Addict”

While many of my books and booklets have a focus upon substance abuse issues, a struggle with any “addictive” pleasure of sin is a war within one’s heart desires. Anything pleasurable on this earth can…