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Articles by Greg Oliver

Greg Oliver is the director of Awaken, a faith-based recovery ministry whose focus is on helping people find freedom from porn & other sexual struggles. Greg is also a certified recovery pastoral counselor, available for 1-on-1 recovery coaching and counseling.

Image for article: What’s the big deal about watching porn? (Teen Edition)

What’s the big deal about watching porn? (Teen Edition)

What’s the big deal about watching porn? If you’re a teenager, you might have asked that question or others like it. Scrolling through this blog, you’ll find a lot of stories from people whose lives…

Image for article: Escaping the Lies of Pornography

Escaping the Lies of Pornography

In his book Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle, author and counselor Michael John Cusick describes the crafty and effective ways in which our enemy draws us into pornography through a…