Articles by Carl Stewart
Carl Stewart is the author of the Amazon Kindle bestseller, The Porn Antidote: God’s Secret Weapon for Crushing Porn’s Grip, and Creating the Life and Marriage You Dream Of. Carl is a counselor and coach in an overflowing private practice where he works with men and marriages devastated by pornography and sexual addiction. He has advanced training and supervision in Emotionally Focused Therapy–the most empirically validated marital therapy which is uniquely suited to restoring marriages affected by sexual betrayal. Carl is a speaker at men’s events, marriage retreats, and parenting seminars. Check out Carl Stewart’s website and blog at

3 Essential Responses to Your Spouse’s Betrayal Trauma Triggers
“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and her body pulses with adrenaline. Doug looks up from his phone like a deer caught in the headlights. Panicked, he tries to reassure…

3 Ways Porn Hijacks Your Brain
Scrolling through the images at the bottom of the news site, Jack lingers on one of them. He lingers a little too long. Jack doesn’t know it yet, but a hijacking is in progress. You’ve seen…

3 Common Lies When Porn Invades Your Engagement
Helpless, he looks at his fiancé as she sobs uncontrollably as they sit in my office. It is three short months before the wedding and she just found out he has a problem with porn.…

Porn: A Gateway Drug
I work with men every day who struggle with some type of sexual addiction, and they all have one thing in common: porn. For a lot of guys, this is their main vice. The men…

Your Wife Has Triggers Too
He picks up his phone to check e-mail, respond to a few texts, and see who’s winning the game. It’s happened thousands of times before–but this time is different. He glances up and catches his…

3 Surefire Ways to Rebuild Your Wife’s Trust
“She’ll never trust me again anyway!” Strike one. “I’m tired of being checked-up on like a little kid. I’m a grown man with a security clearance for crying out loud!!” Strike two. “She doesn’t believe…

3 Powerful Porn Triggers (And How to Overcome Them)
I call these three emotional states the “Devil’s Triangle of Triggers.” We can’t handle them on our own, and they’ll often send you looking for porn before you know what hit you. Trigger 1: Helplessness Tom…

My Child Has Been Exposed to Porn: 5 Critical Truths You Need to Know
Have you had the horrifying experience of discovering your child is looking at pornography? Are you terrified your kids will be exposed to porn? All too often I receive calls and emails from parents who just…

3 Reasons Deception Is More Destructive than Porn for Your Wife
“I can’t keep doing this!” she screams with bulging eyes and face wrenched in a tormented mix of anger, fear, and pain. “I can’t keep going through this again and again. I feel like I…
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