Articles by Bobby Angel
Bobby Angel is a campus minister and theology teacher at an all-boys' Catholic high school in California. He enjoys writing, surfing, and drinking too much coffee. He and his wife, Jackie, travel often and speak to youth and young adult audiences, sharing the Gospel and the call to a life of chastity. They have two beautiful daughters who won’t let them sleep. Connect with Bobby at

3 Accountability Lessons to Learn from Frodo and Sam
Great literature, film, and art can inform our souls and educate us in the school of virtue. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, voted “the greatest book of the century” by a 1997…

Romance Novels: Porn or Not?
I remember walking through an airport terminal and seeing a giant poster for the film 50 Shades of Grey. Now, this was an airport terminal where you have people of all ages (including children) and…

Confessing Porn with Father Mike
I had the chance to talk with a Catholic priest friend of mine about the issue of pornography and ask if, by his observations, this problem has worsened in his 13 years of ministry. So, Fr.…

Why Marriage Won’t Cure Your Porn Problem
For many of us who have grown up with the presence of pornography from a young age—magazines, movies, or the Internet—marriage is sometimes viewed as the healthy “cure” to end a pornography habit. “I’ll stop…

Iron Sharpens Iron: One Catholic Man’s Experience of Accountability
“Is my chastity worth $9.99 a month?” I asked myself this question several years ago. Sitting in a dorm room and staring at my computer screen, it was in this moment of grace that I…
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