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Protect Your Kids 8 minute read

Apps and Internet Doorways: What Parents Need to Know

Last Updated: April 9, 2024

When I speak to parents about creating an Internet safer home, I cover a number of general parenting strategies that work for most families. Some deal with staying informed, while others include finding the right accountability software, or having the right conversations at the right times with their kids. But at a more tactical level, we discuss Internet doorways and apps at length. These two terms might seem unrelated, but they have a significant relationship when it comes to using the Internet.

Internet Doorways—the ways your son or daughter can access the world-wide web (and they are everywhere).

Apps (short for “application”)–software designed to satisfy a specific online purpose.

Parents really need to understand both in order to make wise decisions about Internet safety in their homes.

Internet Doorways

When Covenant Eyes was founded in 2000, accessing the Internet occurred on large, stationary machines, through an Internet browser like NetScape Navigator, which we used to access our AOL e-mail account. (Did anyone else just say “You’ve got mail” to yourself?) What’s more, personal computers were expensive and didn’t exist in every home.

Compare that situation to today, where in 2015, according to a Common Sense Media survey, tweens (ages 8-12) use digital devices for homework and fun for around 6 hours per day, with 41% of that time spent on mobile devices. The average teen girl spends 1 hour 32 minutes per day using social media, and 66% of all teens use their mobile device to listen to music every day.

These tweens and teens are not using Navigator to access online content. They’re using apps in order to have a specific online experiences. In other words, they are using a different doorway than the one we used when we were growing up. It’s no longer just enough to monitor the browser.


In order to create an effective Internet safety strategy in any home, parents need to make an inventory of all of the different ways their kids can access the Internet, which includes having a working knowledge of all of the apps their kids are using and the risks and benefits of each.

For example, did you know?

  • Certain apps are marketed specifically towards tweens and teens, including Kik, YouNow, and ly. As a result, sexual predators naturally flock to these apps, where they can casually browse an endless supply of images and videos of naïve and unsuspecting young people (mostly girls) who sometimes say and show way too much all in the name of popularity.
  • All social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and ly, among others, state that users are supposed to be 13 in order to use them.
  • Certain apps are used anonymously, like Whisper, FM, or Afterschool, and as a result fuel impulsive, sometimes cruel teenage behavior, which has led to over a dozen cyberbullying-related suicides.
  • The social media app Instagram is so much more than just pictures, allowing students to portray a false self, whether tough, naughty, nice, sexy, or pretty, believing the lie that their worth is measured by the number of followers or likes.
  • Most social media apps, like Instagram and Snapchat, have no parental controls, making it extremely difficult to monitor activity for inappropriate content. Does your teen understand that in many states, taking any kind of nude photo of a minor (even if it’s of themselves) constitutes creation of child pornography?
  • There is a whole class of apps are intended to create a vault for secret pictures hiding behind the façade of a calculator or other innocent looking app.

Parents, we must wake up to the reality that APPS are where the action is. I have counseled too many families who could have avoided so much heartache if they would have done a better job controlling and understanding the types of apps their kids were downloading onto their smart devices.

So, parents, how are you doing with your kids? Do you know what apps they’re using?

Specific to the issue of pornography, mom and dad, did you know?

  • Instagram, Pinterest,, and Twitter are full of pornographic video and picture content, just a few clicks away in the “search” feature. Due to the lack of parental controls, these searches can be deleted without you ever knowing.
  • Through Instagram, kids can access Tumblr (rated 17+ in the app store for its large quantities of X-rated content), and the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines without ever leaving the app. These search engines are unfiltered and unmonitored.
  • Kik gives kids access YouTube, Google, and a large number of other “sub-apps” within Kik, giving them access to search whatever they want.
  • Google, Yahoo or Bing search engine apps circumvent the parental controls you might set up through the “Restrictions” on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Through the “About” section of the Twitter and Facebook pages for Google, Bing or Yahoo, you can perform an unfiltered Internet search that isn’t covered by the “Restrictions” enabled on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

There are over 1.5 million apps in Apple’s store. Is anyone nervous yet? So, what’s the solution?

Protecting Our Kids

For every iOS device (iPod touch, iPad, iPhone), there are two amazing tools that come “factory” on all devices. In 60 seconds, just about any parent can enable both of them and go from Internet safety zero to hero.

1. Family Sharing:

The Family Sharing functionality allows parents (called “family organizers”) to approve app downloads on a child’s device from the parent’s phone, including in-app purchases.

To enable Family Sharing, follow this path on your Apple iOS device:

  • Click “Settings” (looks like 2 gray gears)
  • Click “iCloud”
  • Look under your name and click “Set Up Family Sharing”
  • Click “Get Started”
  • Assuming you are the “Family Organizer” (the one in control), click “Continue” and add as many family members as you would like.
  • Do you want to share your purchases as the adult? That’s your decision. Click “Settings” – “iCloud” – “Family” – click your name – then toggle on or off “Share my Purchases”

Situations where this works well:

  • You have a trustworthy kid, but you want to be involved in app decisions (good move).
  • You have a kid who is still in the Internet “training” phase (15 and under).

2. Restrictions:

The “Restrictions” feature is one of Apple’s most amazing tools for parents, and unfortunately, there isn’t anything like it for Android. Enabling “Restrictions” allows parents to set up certain controls at the device level, so that it doesn’t matter where the kid is using the device.

To enable restrictions, follow this path on your Apple iOS device:

  • Click “Settings”
  • Click “General”
  • Click “Restrictions” and select a 4-digit code that your kid won’t know. **Important! Don’t forget this 4-digit code, or you’ll have to perform a factory reset if you want to change “Restrictions” in the future.
  • From there, toggle off whatever you see fit.

Earlier, we talked about controlling app downloads through “Family Sharing,” but, for young Internet users, you might consider turning off the App store altogether through “Restrictions.” Although it’s hard to find outright porn in the App store, with so many apps, plenty offer suggestive and offensive content in the app description that you might want to avoid.

We highly recommend using Covenant Eyes to monitor Safari. Be sure to select the “Website” option and then select Limit Adult Content. This prevents the user from deleting their browser history, and also provides an excellent level of filtering within Safari.

For Android™, there aren’t quite as many options. There isn’t a “Family Sharing” or “Restrictions” equivalent. This is why for young Internet users, who are still in the Internet training phase, an iPhone or iPad simply has better options for controlling apps.

On the other hand, Android allows Covenant Eyes software much more insight into how the device is being utilized. On Android, an accountability partner can actually see what apps are being used and even use Covenant Eyes’ very Android app lock feature, which might be helpful for certain situations where blocking the Google Play Store is appropriate.

Of course, in place of just setting parental controls, the best situation is one where kids have their own internal control. This is formed through constant conversation with caring adults who give their kids the tools for making wise technology choices, because, many Internet doorways are not within the control of mom and dad.

Parents, remember, in the digital age, passive parenting is not an option. We believe that parents who are observant, engaged and informed often have kids who learn to use technology (including apps) well.

Note: the app-specific information and the information about Family Sharing and Restrictions above was used with permission from Protect Young Eyes, a Covenant Eyes ally that focuses on equipping parents and caring adults with information about apps, devices, and strategies for creating an Internet safer home.

  1. Linnette

    I was under the impression that Covenant Eyes for Android could now monitor the Facebook app. Am I mistaken?

    • Annelise Hoshal

      Hello Linnette,

      You are correct. We are able to monitor the activity inside of the Facebook app with our latest version. If you have any further questions feel free to contact our Customer Service.

      Best regards,

  2. Thank you so much Chris. I had no idea that these content monitoring and filtering things come in factory settings. So, if you are in for posting more blogs on parental control, can you write a review on Parental Control Software/Apps? That would be a great help. Thanks.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Kristen – I think you will see more parental control postings in the future. It’s one of my passions! I use a lot of parental control content from my own website ( to help at Covenant Eyes whenever possible. Be well!


  3. Amber Orduña

    Thank you so much for this. It needs to be out there. I knew this stuff BECAUSE I research BUT most don’t. Thank you for caring enough to send this out!!

  4. Anna

    I was once told there is yet another entry? Enter an app or Simply Google any letter of the alphabet and open on Images…scroll down. there is not one letter that doesn’t promote a sexually suggestive or explicit image.

    • Leah Tinoco

      This is so true. I just googled the letter A using the CE browser on my daughter’s phone and sure enough explicit images come up. My daughter loves to look up dog breeds and see images of things she would like to purchase on Amazon, yet images are everywhere. This is so frustrating that the porn industry is infiltrating everything. Is there a way to block these images?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Leah – are you using our filter in the browser? That should allow for Google Safe Search, eliminating much of what you are seeing. For additional assistance, please contact customer service and they can help: 1-877-479-1119

  5. Anna

    Thank you for providing consciencous families with this information. Someone once showed me that you could go through an Iphone or just Google….and click any letter of the alphabet and turn it onto to images. there isn’t one letter that doesn’t produce sexually suggestive pictures.

  6. Dawn Fidler

    This is the big issue that unfortunately Covenant Eyes really whiffs on. I am sure there are tech reasons why CE cannot monitor everything on a phone, but it is so disappointing that it cannot. Nearly every app has a way to access the internet and so what CE offers for iphones is not much help. You can’t even allow usage of something as simple as Google Maps app! Someone has got to figure out how you can allow all apps to be used with accountability/filtering on all of them. Smart phones will continue to increasingly dominate all internet usage and I am afraid CE will quickly become more and more obsolete as less people use computers where there programs work well. Don’t get me wrong – I am so grateful for CE, but also wish there was more they could do.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Dawn – we have longed for more “reach” into iOS, and we are on the brink. Please stay tuned for something we hope to launch this summer that should give us much more insight into non-browser activity on an iPhone.

      Peace, Chris
      Covenant Eyes

  7. Jared Hendrickson

    I would also add that Disney’s Circle device ( has been a huge compliment to our connected home. I work in IT and have a barrage of devices at home, and Covenant Eyes gives me a great tool to filter and granularly control access on even our shared use computer, while the Circle device offers me a home network, app-specific enable/disable settings for a large number of apps, as well as custom blocklists, time limits and bed times. Now they’ve added a feature for kids on the go – using a Circle VPN connection on the mobile device to enforce the home circle restrictions while out on the cell network.
    It’s worth a look, as it takes a one time charge for the device and gives you very tight control over your home network. Every new device notifies you through the notification options on your smartphone, and you can immediately assign new devices to a person or zone through the mobile app. I believe the Circle Go feature is a monthly fee…

    I’d also add that for adults on mobile devices, Evernote, 1Password, and many many other apps provide a browsing function that cannot be locked down by an external app like Covenant Eyes. Accountability is the key to success, and using a combination of app install & content restrictions and local network filtering (like Circle) can help to give a person the time and technical harassment they need to think through their impulses.
    Of course, these tools only help parents and those who know they need to shield themselves against their own impulses – anyone who is dead set on getting around the system will find a way, and should probably be banned from the home network.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Jared! Thanks for your response. We are very familiar with Circle and it’s a slick device for maintaining parental control over the home network. I think your thoughts are spot on!

      Covenant Eyes

  8. Concerned Mom

    This doesn’t really help parents of teenagers over 13 who demand independence and these apps and are unwilling to be treated like children. Schools now a days are giving them their own iTunes accounts to do their work and because of this can not be in “family sharing” so that doesn’t help either. It would be nice if you focused a bit more on a generation who is in the middle of development.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello! Here’s my take. And, it might be a bit direct, because I’m passionate about helping parents see that kids just can’t dictate the terms with technology. For their own protection and safety! In the eyes of the law, the one paying for the service is the owner of the device. Teen can handle what the unmonitored and unfiltered internet throws at them! My daughter knows that as long as she’s under my roof, and I’m paying for the service, there’s no such thing as internet privacy on my wifi or on devices that I’ve paid for. It’s a family culture. Your child might have his/her own Apple ID but that should not preclude them from Family Sharing.

      However else I might be able to help, please let me know.
      Covenant Eyes

  9. Rachel

    These are great suggestions! What’s the best way to monitor Instagram and Facebook? Other than either shutting the app off entirely or checking regularly?

    • Chris McKenna

      For Instagram, there’s not much. Here’s a video we recently did with more information on that app:

      As for Facebook, there are paid services that can monitor the app. If there are Facebook usage concerns, my suggestion is to delete the app, and force use through an accountable browser (like Covenant Eyes) by going to so that you can monitor the Facebook activity. The app obeys no parental control rules. It’s only through a browser that we can see what’s going on.

      Hope that helps!

  10. Alex

    Hi Chris, I appreciate all your work and dedication to protecting families from inappropriate content. I find your post very helpful and informative. If I can contact you on a personal email I would like to share with you another way of unrestricted access to inappropriate content that I have found only one solution for and I am not sure whether I should share this with others to help protect them or not due to the difficulty of the solution. I would really appreciate a quick conversation with you in how maybe you can help by writing a post or finding another solution for the problem. Thank you Chris. God Bless.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Alex – I’m sending you an email right now so that we can continue the conversation. I look forward to hearing from you!

    • Nathan

      I disagree that there is not outright poem in the app store. You can download additional browser’s that are unmonitored and then delete the app to cover the trail. App store definitely needs to be blocked

    • T

      Insread of just monitoring android phone. Or monitoring a google browser on a windows based do you block all nude content completly so a kid doesnt see it all all…also..there is so much stuff on tv..called rated g or even pg that talk about details of sexually explicite things..seems to me the only real way to do it 100 percent is to shut off all as we know it now is 100 percent dependent on a bad addiction…kids can access that crap anywhere..and soon..we will be moving to 5g. (5th generation) speeds..which is about total instant more son is do u block 100% nudity?

    • Chris McKenna

      You can’t. We do our best with text-based ratings and we’re working on image-based recognition, but nothing is 100% safe. That’s why we have to teach our kids about what to do when they’re exposed and give them tools to make wise digital choices.


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