Help Others Restore Integrity Nate Larkin Speaks to Bob Coy
Help Others Restore Integrity 4 minute read

What I should have told Bob Coy 29 years ago

Last Updated: June 22, 2021

Back in 1985, when I was an ambitious young church planter in South Florida trying desperately to make a name for myself, I met another young church planter who had just arrived from Las Vegas. I liked the guy right away, and we quickly became friends. His name was Bob Coy.

For a period of several months (I don’t remember exactly how long) Bob would come to my office, a storefront in a decrepit strip mall in North Lauderdale, on Tuesday afternoons, and we would take a walk around a nearby lake, talking the whole time. I enjoyed those walks immensely. I liked advising Bob, and he seemed to value my advice. Naturally, I never told him about my porn problem.

I never told anyone about my porn problem back then. Convinced that a confession would puncture my shiny reputation, I battled that particular temptation alone.

Predictably, porn took me places I never intended to go. I was on my way to a joint Christmas Eve service with Bob’s congregation, in fact, when I found myself picking up my first prostitute. The emotional aftermath of that illicit sexual encounter was awful. Really awful. I didn’t tell Bob about it, though. A few months and several prostitutes later, I quit the ministry in despair. My church folded soon thereafter.

Bob’s church, meanwhile, was thriving. As the years passed, I watched with a mixture of envy and pride as the church he planted outgrew venue after venue. I had failed to become a spiritual superstar, but Bob, it seemed, was succeeding spectacularly. His congregation of dozens became hundreds, then thousands, and soon his church was the largest in South Florida.

Whenever I visited Bob’s church over the years, I would stop by to say hello to my friend, and he was always gracious. Those visits ended in 1998, when my wife and I moved to Tennessee. A few months later, after Allie caught me looking at porn online, I finally admitted the insanity of my behavior and reluctantly entered recovery for sex addiction.

That wrenching experience turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me. Accepting the full reality of my weakness and finally asking others for help brought freedom from the obsession that had ruled my life since adolescence. The journey of recovery resuscitated my moribund faith, and our marriage miraculously survived.

When I finally went public with my story in 2007, I mailed a copy of my book, Samson and the Pirate Monks, to Bob, along with a handwritten note apologizing for not telling him the truth earlier. I don’t know whether he ever received the book. If he did and simply chose not to respond to me, I don’t blame him. In his position, I would probably have done the same thing.

There are certain struggles the prevailing church culture does not permit a pastor to admit. That’s why I quit the ministry when I did. I knew I couldn’t stop what I was doing on my own, and I didn’t dare ask anyone for help. I left the ministry on my own terms because I could hear the hangman coming. And it was relatively easy for me to walk away back then, because the stakes were still small; I was young and could find employment elsewhere. The church I’d started didn’t even own a building. For Bob, on the other hand, the stakes became enormous. Heck, his church now has 1,000 employees.

Two days ago, I was driving home from a men’s conference when my wife telephoned with the news that Bob had just been fired from his church for “moral failings.” I went online when I got home and found that lurid whispers were already lighting up the blogosphere. My heart sank.

Since the news broke, my inbox has been pounded with messages and inquiries about the unfolding story, and I have watched with dread and fascination as speculation has rolled across the Internet and into the mainstream media. Last night somebody sent me a story link from a major newspaper in London. London!

I’m bracing for more bad news. Juicy details are bound to emerge, and when they do they will doubtless reinforce what has become a well-worn storyline. High-profile American preacher exposed as morally corrupt. As the storm intensifies, I fully expect large numbers of outraged Christians to join the cry to “hang ‘im high!” For the record, we don’t know what Bob’s “moral failure” is—those details have not been made public.

I am sad for my friend, and relieved at the same time. I’m also feeling a little guilty.

I’m sad about the pain that Bob and his family and his church are enduring today.  I’m relieved because the necessary crisis has finally arrived.  Bob may still be hiding some of the details—few of us make a full confession right away—but the dam has broken. The pressure of leading a double life is finally, mercifully, over, and if he can just make it through the next few weeks, he will be able to breathe again.

I know the issue is Bob’s sin, but I still can’t help feeling a measure of responsibility. I keep wondering what might have happened if I had only summoned the nerve, 29 years ago, to share my struggle with my good friend. Could we have started together on the healing road back then, as peers and brothers, and spared ourselves decades of private torment? If I had only dropped my pretenses, would Bob have shared any secrets with me? Perhaps he would have. And that makes me think that my apology to Bob was not enough. I also owe an apology to his wife, his kids, and his whole church.

We never know what hidden benefits revealing our secrets to others will have. This is what the Samson Society is all about: men getting together with other men to get real about their struggles—sexual or otherwise. There’s a tremendous liberty that comes when you can bring your real self and say the real truth to someone else. In my journey of recovery, Christian men have done just that for me. And over the years I’ve found that I can give the same gift to another guy, telling him my story. And even if his battle is different from mine, something about my story will usually resonate with his, and many times, when I finish sharing, he will look at me and say, “Well, you know, I’ve never told anybody this, but…” And he will get a taste of freedom too.

Update (4/30/14): It has since been publicly revealed by a pastor at Bob Coy’s church that “Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. Our pastor, he committed sexual immorality—habitually—through pornography.”

  1. Asnath Colson

    God forgives all types of sin, but, you still have to suffer the consequences.

  2. Asnath Colson

    Being an enabler doesn’t make you more Christian. You are just allowing sin to continue without any consequences.

  3. Mary

    I’m glad to really know that there are women out there that have suffered fearlessly with their a spouses sexual sins. I worked night shift since 2007 and no matter how tired I felt I stayed up till 1030 am to listen to Bob Coy and so today I was praying for him and his family, then when trying to find out how he is doing in recovery I came across this blog. Thanks to the establishment of this. I want to encourage those devastated wives and particularly Pastor’s wives whose spouses indulge in pon, sexual sins including homosexuality, God will exonolate you from every accusation that inexperienced Christians make against you. My husband is a Seniour Pastor of a church and I’m 100% sure He is struggling with some type of sexual sin but every time I confronted him he dennis it and brought a lot of false accusations against me. I’m not quiet about it cos any benefit I get from the church, I want my husband to repent, I want His Soul to be saved, I choose to respect him despite my family struggles, I choose to let God expose his sin at the time He chooses! This is hard for me and our 4 children. 10 months ago my husband left our home without explanation and when I called to asks the reason, he said I had not redpected his Maternal Unkle and Auntie in a family function in 2015. How do you deal with a guy like that, do people really understand what wives go thro’? My husband has a great following and I sense a lot of accusation towards me when I attend our church from the leaders/ followers, I can’t voice anything. Only one Pastor confronted me once and stated that my Husband stated to the junior pastors that I disrespect him? Please my Christian friends, pray for the family of Bob Coy, the women involved with sex with him and many minister’s wives like me and their children devastated by immorality behind in pulpits in churches all over this land and the world at large. To the Christian Wives affected by this devastation I want to share one fact with you, the Devil does not need your Spouse to have sex with them! Please know that it’s your Soul the devil is seeking, keep pure until God will give you victory! Do not let your un met sexual needs cause you to fall! Don’t let bitterness get hold of you, let the Love of God overwhelm you! Praying for your husband will keep bitterness away from your heart! It works, cos I’m not bitter, I’m hopeful and busy in Christ’s service to my children and the community around me. The other thing that has kept me healing from the hurt of my husband’s betrayal is “grateful prayers to God of the 25yrs of love and marriage that I enjoyed before my husband founded our church and soon same year started the downfall into unrepentant sexual impurity despite canceling

  4. Benjamin Bennett

    I was hired by Bob Coy in late 1989 and was on Staff at CCFTL until my own moral failure in 1999. Never knew this blog was here until tonight….was reading Pastor Chuck Smith’s book The Harvest and felt the need to seek an update on Pastor Bob on google…found you Nate. Pastor Jim Coy….I served under him as well. Praying about a trip to Chattanooga this winter!

  5. Denise

    Very interesting and thought-provoking blog and comments. So-o-o-o, what would you suggest I do now that I’ve learned 16 years ago that my husband, who will be 80 this year, figured how to access porn on our computer. Not only porn, but gay porn. I now understand that this has been a problem since young adulthood. We had at least 3 serious discussions, and during one I asked him if he was gay (which would explain a lot of things). As I said…..what would I suggest that I do? Please don’t suggest I talk to my pastor–he’s 10 years younger than my own children! I’m not one bit happy about this situation. In my mind, he may as well be picking up a prostitute, and there is no difference.

    • Kay Bruner

      Hey Denise, thanks for writing in. We tend to think of this as a young person’s issue, but it impacts so many people, regardless of age.

      It makes me sad that we haven’t been able to talk about pornography in any kind of healing way in most churches so far. I think there’s been so much fear and shame around sexuality in general, and pornography in particular. And if your husband did have same-sex attraction, there’s another whole area of sexuality that the church has not dealt with in a very gracious way. The traditional answer for any issue around sexuality has pretty much been, “Stop having that problem!” Which, it turns out, is supremely unhelpful, especially if you happen to have multiple sexual issues you’re trying to deal with. I feel sad for him, I feel sad for you. There’s just a lot of pain here for both of you, it seems to me. And you’re both carrying it by yourselves, all this time.

      I think you need to talk to SOMEBODY. And your pastor may not be the best pick, it’s true. You’d know best! How about a counselor in your area? There are also groups like Celebrate Recovery, and online groups at xxxChurch, where you can talk with others who are also dealing with similar issues.

      I would think that your husband would really benefit from good therapy as well, if he were willing to try it.

      You might also appreciate reading some of what other women have written about their own experiences. Hope After Porn is a free download that might be helpful. And here’s a list of our most popular blog content for women. Have a look at those things and let me know what you think. Blessings, Kay

  6. Mary

    The men or women of God who have told their stories come out of hiding, risking all are the brave ones, and God makes us brave. But yet there are hundreds or more still hiding, carrying on like things are normal, carrying on with their congregations like nothing is happening, or has happened. So prayers go out that these will read Nate’s story and free themselves. Also to the wives who live a lie each day to cover up these failures because the Church is their main source of income, may they come to a point to risk all and free themselves through the plan of action God gives them

    • Sonja

      Who says the women “cover up” because of income? I’m not a pastor’s wife and I “covered up” some of my husband’s failures because I thought that’s what love should do. Also, us women don’t always know the depths of deception our husbands are keeping from us. I only knew of husband’s occasional pornography which wounded me to my core, yet I kept seeking God and praying for my husband and loving and forgiving him. I would sense things might not be right, but when I would ask or try to talk, I now know he lied. As a Christian woman, we’re to love, hope, believe. I was actually beating myself up thinking I was wrong for having a twinge of untrusting feelings, so I’d repent and give it to God. My husband let me suffer with his lies, playing the Christian or whatever he was doing. Looking back, it was pure evil. Then after encouraging him, praying for him, forgiving him for what little stuff I would find out…after 27 years he left me for his high school sweetheart. I was in possession of his phone and only then did I learn the true depths of his lying and addictions. He lived a complete lie with me and the kids. I was not a prude wife either!!!! The wives affected by this are facing devastation!!!!! This feels worse than if my husband had died. He’s still alive out there, unrepentant, while the kids and I are left to deal with this. We are all clinging to Christ, continuing to serve the Lord with what little strength we have and praying for our husband/dad. But FYI, this is a horrific trial for us!! It’s been 15 months and new bombs are dropped on us daily. Why don’t others think more about the loved ones affected by this hurtful sin? Believe me, I am a sinner myself and I ask for fresh cleansing daily. But this sexual sin affects many people around the one caught up in it. I’m frankly sick of the way people look at the wife and have all those horrific judgements about her. Sorry for venting, but this is raw.?

  7. Daniel

    I need help. I want to get married but I can’t because the sin is strong. I am no pastor but I am a man who wants to be free. Free from this sin that started years ago.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. Since I fell from the ministry five years ago I’ve been sharing my story online. Each week brings a new batch of emails from fallen pastors, their wives and women who are having affairs with pastors. The problem is always with us. But by telling our shared stories, we can prevent others from future pain and help those who have fallen be restored back to Christ. God speed you, my brother and keep up the good work.

  9. Doris

    Appreciate the grace all extend in these cases. Important notes to stay even keel here: Matt. 7:23 “Judas repented himself” vs Peter who wept bitterly before God; Acts 7:27 Moses dealt unilaterally with an embattled pair and it was the guilty party who presumed penalty; Gen. 33:13 pushing young beyond their limits guarantees “they will die”; Gen. 8:8+10+12 after a full year in the ark, Noah’s dove learned the ark as habit-worthy resource and refuge, unlike the imprisoned raven who after the same year left untaught, unresourced flying to+fro weeks until the ground dried (some say up to 4 months) rejecting the ark’s shelter preferring rather the Gen. 8:9 consequence of finding “no rest for the sole of its foot”; a great counterpoint is reading Ps 91 from the enemy’s (loser’s) perspective; God so much as declares in Gen. 3;11a that satan alleges to humanity an eternal omission by God yet God never curses Eve+Adam (Gen. 3:6:16-17) but fully defines sin’s consequences. Last and important, these two facts: Christ’s propitiation doesn’t make it as tho’ we’ve never sinned, but proves that we did; and in Jer. 23:3-4 teaches a progression of return to God, becoming strong and responsible, then having the capacity to withstand shepherding followed by the critical insight Lk. 2:8 where shepherds are watching over their flocks “by night” – when nocturnal hunt and vulnerabilities peak. It’s interesting that Proverbs’ harlot beckons while God “makes me” rest in Psalm 23:2 else we’d never stop our human “doing” vs human “being”. Three excellent word studies for recovery are the phrases “went down” and “brought up” and “take up”. These three potently profile a character choice and breadth between righteous and unrighteous lives. It is always good to keep in mind God’s caution, “to those who think themselves crafty, God will shew Himself shrewd.” (Ps 18:26, Job 5:12). The idea is hating sin as much as God does…it killed His Son.

  10. Pastor

    Good words, but one thing I’m not sure about and feel that you are speculating on is this, “Was he struggling morally 29 years ago?”

    I too failed for a time after 15 years of ministry, but what became my down fall wasn’t in me until about 2 years before hand.

    Just thinking out loud.

    • It’s a good question. For sure, Nate is just speculating (as are most people). The purpose of Nate’s article seems to be not that he believes Bob was struggling with something 29 years ago, but that if he had, Nate’s honesty could have opened the door to a mutual confession.

    • Susan L. Sapp

      Pastor: April 13, 2014 at 3:21 p.m.

      I don’t know whether you have heard Bob Coy’s testimony, but it has been used by me (the recording) to help people to understand what it took for Bob Coy to rise from the mire, study the Lord and become a pastor himself. At the time of his own relationship with God, Bob Coy was running shows in Las Vegas and always admitted that this time in his life was bad.

      Memories rarely fail you, the Lord never does. If there was something left over in Bob’s life from the prior life, this was probably a stumbling block 29 years ago as well. Please pray for him. His teaching methods are phenomenal and he has led many to the Lord (obviously).

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