Defeat Lust & Pornography Colossal man being tempted with anime porn.
Defeat Lust & Pornography 4 minute read

3 Reasons Anime Porn Is Bad for You

Last Updated: February 15, 2024

Today, there are a lot more people out there speaking out against pornography on the grounds that it really isn’t a very healthy industry. The more they read the stories of the women and men in pornography, the conditions of their work, the use of drugs, the physical pain, the instances of shady behavior among porn producers, the manipulation, the sexual abuse (both on and off camera), and the spread of STDs, the more people are saying, “If porn is this abusive, I don’t want to endorse it.”

Even when women consent to this lifestyle of abuse, people are still saying, “Look, I don’t care if she’s consenting to being abused. A woman who has forgotten her own dignity does not give me a green light to treat her as an object.”

For more, see Is Porn Bad?: 10 Things To Consider Before Watching

Introducing Hentai

For many people, this is one of the reasons they enjoy other kinds of pornography that don’t involve live action filming. One genre of porn really corners the market on this, and it’s called hentai.

Hentai is the western label given to anime pornography and is derived from the Japanese word for “perverted.” Over the last generation, hentai has become some of the most popular pornography in the world. In fact, cartoon porn is currently among the most searched for niches of porn on certain Internet devices.

What do we say to this? Is cartoon pornography a more ethical option for porn consumers because it doesn’t involve live action actors?

Less Bad ≠ Good

First, if we find a form of media where women are not physically harmed or degraded in the making of a specific kind of media, this is a good thing. However, it’s also important to note that just because something is better than something else in one respect does not mean it is therefore “good.” Smoking a carton of cigarettes every day might be better than smoking 10 cartons, but smoking one carton should also not be labeled as “healthy.”

3 Reasons Cartoon Porn Is Still Bad

First, anime porn is infused with the same messages and values as live action porn. 

It’s all about the degradation and objectification of women for the masturbatory pleasure of men. The female figure portrayed is nothing more than an object for male pleasure. Women are still portrayed as powerless—either powerless over male advances or powerless over her own sexual euphoria that compels her to be used. Anime porn is marketed and sold with messaging as its live action counterpart.

Second, anime porn is just as addictive as live action porn.

Addiction to porn—any kind of porn—is known by the American Society of Addiction Medicine as a “behavioral” addiction, where someone is pathologically pursuing neurological rewards their brain gives them when they engage in certain pleasurable behaviors. All kinds of porn addiction, regardless of whether the actors on the screen are filmed or drawn, are harmful to us because they warp our normal sex drive into something unhealthy and compulsive. Porn might feel pleasurable, but it’s ultimately the enemy of real satisfaction.

Third, anime porn is in some sense worse in its messaging that live action porn because the characters are completely malleable.

Artists can make make the characters look exactly the way they want. Every fetish can be fulfilled, no matter how unreal or bizarre. Artists and consumers can pleasure themselves any kind of abuse and dull their consciences doing it. They can just tell themselves “No one is really getting hurt.” Because the films are animated, this has a disarming effect on the viewer. The consumer needs not practice any compassion for the character because she isn’t real. She’s just a lifeless scribbling of ink.

Hentai pornography is known showing the gross mistreatment of women through horrific acts of bestiality and even images of children having sex. Can we commend the makers and consumers of this material because they aren’t using real people—“I don’t like it when real children are abused, but I really like to get off to images of cartoon children getting abused.” Is this virtuous or healthy to shape our libidos around this kind of material?

Don’t be fooled. When people justify this kind of material, they’re often asking the wrong question. They’re often saying, “Who isn’t abused in the making of this pornography?” The real question they should be asking is, “Who is abused in the making of this?” The answer is: the viewer himself.

  1. Face the facts

    You actually go as far in your religion to deny reality and the true state of things. Congratulations, you deserve your spot in the Hall of Fail of the human race along with 99% of the people in the comment section lacking half of the braincells a regular human should have.

  2. Even Jesus hates you

    Forgot to mention their opinions are biased by religion, hence by no means noteworthy in any way whatsoever.

  3. nina

    i think people who make these hentai videos are absolutely perverts.thank god i dont watch these things.

    • Please reconsider

      “The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.” Luke 18:11

  4. Jazzix

    Thanks so much. I had seen worst type of hentai, but I realized it’s so bad, and especially bad for a Christian to do. I ask Lord to wash it away, for my mind never to see it again, whether animated, whether live porn.

  5. Reinhard

    Oh man, this article was written by someone who doesn’t have a realistic vision of the world… Plus the points brought against this form of pornography aren’t justified, but just described through the puritan (and so distorted) vision of the author.

    “””””””First, anime porn is infused with the same messages and values as live action porn. It’s all about the degradation and objectification of women for the masturbatory pleasure of men. The female figure portrayed is nothing more than an object for male pleasure. Women are still portrayed as powerless—either powerless over male advances or powerless over her own sexual euphoria that compels her to be used. Anime porn is marketed and sold with messaging as its live action counterpart.”””””””

    >>> It shall not be a problem if people can dissociate fictions / fantasies and reality. The ones who can’t obviously have a problem (they should be entrusted to a psychiatric centre) and if it’s because of their education, then unfortunately, nothing can be done about it as the person will not change that easily past a certain age.

    “”””””Second, anime porn is just as addictive as live action porn. Addiction to porn—any kind of porn—is known by the American Society of Addiction Medicine as a “behavioral” addiction, where someone is pathologically pursuing neurological rewards their brain gives them when they engage in certain pleasurable behaviors. All kinds of porn addiction, regardless of whether the actors on the screen are filmed or drawn, are harmful to us because they warp our normal sex drive into something unhealthy and compulsive. Porn might feel pleasurable, but it’s ultimately the enemy of real satisfaction.””””””

    >>> Look, no matter what your convictions are, masturbation and sexual drive is natural (have you ever seen or realized what problems / danger sexual frustration can cause to someone who didn’t wish for something like abstinence ?). So at the basis, masturbating to something that triggers your sexual excitement isn’t a problem, but a good thing in fact. Addiction to this is a real concern though, I can agree to this. But it’s up to the person as for regulating / managing his / her sex drive. The best solution I can think of is to have other things in your life to think / care about and that interest you enough (like some passions, friends, a girl/boyfriend, an engaging work…). The addiction is most of the time (if not always) linked to a problem of balance in the life of the person concerned.

    And finally, now that all of this is cleared :

    “””””””””Third, anime porn is in some sense worse in its messaging that live action porn because the characters are completely malleable. Artists can make make the characters look exactly the way they want. Every fetish can be fulfilled, no matter how unreal or bizarre. Artists and consumers can pleasure themselves any kind of abuse and dull their consciences doing it. They can just tell themselves “No one is really getting hurt.” Because the films are animated, this has a disarming effect on the viewer. The consumer needs not practice any compassion for the character because she isn’t real. She’s just a lifeless scribbling of ink.”””””””””

    >>>>> Everyone has his own tastes and fetishes (even hidden ones that you are not even aware of). I think that a medium that can fulfil a lot of different ones is plain fantastic. Look now, how is our modern world if not stressful and unhealthy for many. Now if they can relieve their stress (and sex is one of the best ways to do it, but not everyone is in couple and even people in couple may want to browse some pornography to break a potential lassitude which could appear in the long run) through something that actually doesn’t harm anyone, physically or mentally, isn’t it a good thing for them ?

    And don’t bring me God in this, nobody can prove that a religion is more true than another, Christianism isn’t more rightful than Buddhism for example. Liberty of faith does not exist for nothing.

    Please think with reason and not your own subjectivity or morals.

    • Chris McKenna

      Reinhard, the author is a Christian and therefore is writing from that worldview. You have a different, non-Christian worldview of sex and are commenting from your perspective. There are bound to be differences. Thank you for being active on the blog – we invite constructive dialogue from a variety of perspectives. Peace, Chris

  6. Carol

    I am so glad that a Christian site brought up the subject of anime porn it’s not only a problem for men it is also a problem for women too. When I was lost I was into anime and didn’t have to even see actual anime porn to have lustful feelings for certain male characters that are portrayed as physically attractive and whose characters I liked this first happened when I was a child and it continued into my adult years. I liked reading fanfictions too including the racy ones. When I got saved this stopped for a long while but I gradually backslid and went back to viewing it and I looked at anime porn too, homosexual anime porn. Yes, there are women who like to watch homosexual men and I am betting that there are many, many, many fangirls who are into that type of anime porn, and other Christians who are taken by it too. However, I know how embarrassing this would be to admit to another Christian because it is just too bizarre and there is the fear that you can’t trust them with that kind of information about yourself especially if you were broken from divulging other secrets about your personal life and the person you gave that information to reacted to you in a bad way, how on Earth would they react to this. I don’t trust many people with details about personal information. I can go to God with my sin but when it comes to people it would be nice if there was somebody who I could trust who went through the same thing that I am going through. Anime porn, and lust for characters, is a deep poison that roots into your soul and never leaves. I feel like a hopeless case!

    • Eric Breaux

      I’m just happy someone else has said it. Although I’m male and attracted to females, the greater attraction to anime depictions than real people is something I have too. It’s especially depressing when you believe it’s bad, because attraction to stylized depictions of people can only be lust because you can’t love people who aren’t real. In my case I don’t want to stop being as attracted as I am to anime females and acting on my lust, and wish there were people in real life who looked the way they do. It’s especially emotionally straining because I’m not entirely sure if believers in Jesus still go to hell for frequent deliberate sin, because verses like Hebrews 10:26 and Corinthians 6:9-11 make me confused taking verses like John 3:16 and the verse that teaches grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone (I can’t remember or find which verse says that) into account, but these sources give some good information on the subject

    • M

      Carol your post is so long ago :/ wish it was more recent, would love to get in contact and talk about the struggles for women with anime and porn. Totally understand what you said. I know you won’t see my post though.

  7. Nathan

    Before the Lord Jesus delivered me from the penalty of sin some nineteen years ago, I discovered porn magazines in a bathroom, my first real exposure to the garbage, and looked at pornographic materials several other times in the following years. Although I am now happily married and thrilled with the beauty of my wife, occasionally those old images still resurface; but I have found two weapons against them that work, every time. The first weapon is prayer, in which I don’t try to hide the image, either from God or from myself. I simply ask Him to wash it in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In most instances, the image–even the fact that I had remembered the image–is gone immediately. The second weapon is word of God. When the images return to my memory, I find quoting Scripture helps to fill my mind with something better, infinitely better. And being a normal man, I have a one-track mind, so I can’t focus on something I shouldn’t while focusing on the holy word of God!

    • andrew

      Hi Nathan, Thanks very much for your 2 pieces of advice. It was a great reminder and I have been applying it to my life. It worked for me.

  8. kristin

    My bf is a porn addict n he’s stopped viewing it but afraid he’s doing it only cause he don’t wanna lose me n scared. He’ll hurt me again

    • Kay Bruner

      Kristin, it’s great that your boyfriend is willing to quit looking at porn. However, we know that it takes more than good intentions to really recover. A group like SAA can be a huge help to guys who are wanting to recover. He might also like to read Your Brain on Porn, a free download, which helps explain how the brain works and why recovery is such hard work.

      I’d also suggest that you look for a group where you can find support as you process your emotions and consider your boundaries: S Anon, Al Anon, Celebrate Recovery, Pure Desire, xxxChurch are all places that offer support to women, alongside their resources for men.

      I just wrote a short ebook recently for girlfriends as well: Porn and Your Boyfriend, which is available at Amazon. That book is an expansion of an article I wrote a while back for girlfriends, which you can find here. Hope those resources help. Blessings, Kay

  9. Steve

    I appreciated the cartoon porn article ! What is working for me is SA (sexaholics anonymous). I found the secular group more helpful. I know many have gotten help from Christian groups and to God be the glory but I found them to be less accepting, less loving sadly then the secular. Some Christian groups try to bunch all addictions into one group and that was not helpful to me. The overeater addict was always left out because there was always food and plenty of dessert at every meeting. It was the pride thing about well I am not as bad as you that I detected in my Christian groups. Even though there was not “cross talk” in the Christian groups someone was always trying to fix someone else and eventually cross talk and going far beyond the 5 minute rule. SA helped me because I finally heard the word masturbation which is taboo to say in a Christian setting. We talked specifics. The meeting was the same format every week. We started on time and finished on time–1-1.5 hours depending on where the meeting was. It was the first place I could ever be myself anywhere. What a relief. I should feel this in a Christian setting. I have been porn sober and no masturbation for 8 years, to God be the glory !!


    • Sam

      to Steve,
      Yeah I get it, whether SA, SAA, SLAA, or Freedom Groups, we got to get the help and support. I do Freedom Groups 2x a week, but would hit up other groups were my town big enough to support that.
      Freedom Group is Christian-based, but also 12-step based. And EVERYTHING is laid out in the open. I was surprised at my first few meetings, for the honesty was shocking yet safe. No “triggers” are permitted (discussion on specific temptations) but we as persons are accepting of each other to describe our boundaries, our consequences, our pains, and our hope.

    • It is true, some Christian recovery programs are very weak for the reasons you mention. But, there are many Christian sex addiction specific support groups that take on issues head on. In the group I attend, the word “masturbation” is used constantly and we are not afraid to discuss anything. The standard 12-step groups, like SA, are great and i have no issue with them, but there are other good approaches as well. I suppose not all cities have them, however, which is the main limiting factor.

  10. Brian

    All things considered, hentai is not less bad than live porn. Hentai deadens the brain to real women. I was a slave. I got into hentai using the justification that it’s not as bad as live actors. But it didn’t take long until living, breathing women, created in the image of God, seemed boring and somewhat gross to me, while unspeakable perversions of hentai seemed interesting and arousing. By God’s grace, I am recovering, and I’m not what or where I once was. It was a huge milestone of mental healing for me when I realized that a woman in a bathing suit was attractive again. Hentai had destroyed my ability to see it. Lust after anything is still wrong, obviously, but it’s an example of just how awful and depraved hentai is. My slowly healing brain is nauseated by the remaining memories of what I’ve seen, but I am testimony to the fact that God can and DOES heal. I no longer look at porn in any form, but I have a long way to go yet. Until I no longer even feel temptation, until I have cleansed my memory of every perverse image and animation, until I can look at every woman with perfectly pure thoughts, until I lie rotting in my grave, I will keep on fighting.

    • karen

      so agree Brian.good for you.I will be praying. Thank God you seen it and got out of it.Our God is amazing how much he lover us

    • Matthew D

      Wow… Lots of respect to Brian here in the comments section. Nothing but respect. I am so immensely inspired by your words…”My slowly healing brain is nauseated by the remaining memories of what I’ve seen, but I am testimony to the fact that God can and DOES heal. I no longer look at porn in any form, but I have a long way to go yet. Until I no longer even feel temptation, until I have cleansed my memory of every perverse image and animation, until I can look at every woman with perfectly pure thoughts, until I lie rotting in my grave, I will keep on fighting.”

    • Bender


    • anon

      It seems you’re under the impression that all hentai involves bestiality or other messed up stuff like that. I fail to see how looking at a drawing is wrong.

    • Boi

      Well Brian i watched hentai once or twice to see what it was and I saw a few episodes of each catergory to do research and the only time I found messed up crap was in the bdsm and a few other genres so I really don’t get your points on saying that hentai is not as bad as real porn so please explain.

    • Your "friend"

      This Brian guys seems a little messed up in the head in a few ways. One I watch hentei on the regular but I still find as he put it “a women in a bathing suit” attractive. Hentei has in no way personally affected my ability to prefer real people over fake characters. I also watch anime wand I do NOT get arroused in any way but if I were to watch something with a sexually attractive women in it I can and have became aroused. Porn in anyway has not made me respect women less. I respect respectable people not just anybody. I also don’t get why god has anything to do with it. From my interpretation it seemed as though these hentei characters were not in the form of “god” or what he had in mind. That is partially true because in most situations it’s two animated humans partaking in it sex. There are cases in which that is not true and those are where you could be correct and they are not in the image of “god”. You also say that lust has helped nobody I personally find that massively incorrect. Because “lust” is a very general term for “to want”. You could really apply lust to a lot of the great things and not so great things in the world. If you think about it a long time ago people “Lusted” for a reason to live and something to make death less ominous and scary. Thus the Bible. Anyway what I’m saying is that I do not 100% agree with you. BUT if this has help you good for you I will not knock you achievements I know that addiction is a hard thing to fight.

    • Andem

      Libertarian Socialism is incomparable to Authoritarian Socialism, and has, historically, been proven to work and to work well until authoritarians like the Royalist French Army, the Red Army, and the Nationalist faction during the Spanish Civil war overran them. Libertarian and Anarchist Socialism works where Authoritarian Socialism, which have proven to degrade to State Capitalism or Market Socialism and eventually regular Capitalism, do not. In Catalonia, Paris, Ukraine, and countless other examples of libertarian socialism in action the proletarians have seized the means of production and organized it in a way free from oppression.

    • Alex

      I don’t want to say you’re an idiot because I don’t believe you are but I believe you are incredibly naive if you think pornography (especially people fetish) are bad.

    • Sean

      This is good to hear as I am struggling with something similar. While many people think since hentai is drawn it has no harm to anyone but that is far from the truth. While there is no harm to people being portrayed sexually, the their is a high potential for mental harm to the viewer and the artist.

      Constant exposure to any porn will likely make eye contact with someone who you find attractive will become difficult, especially if you have an attention disorder such as ADHD. This can lead to gaps in your relations with friends, coworkers, and has the potential to cost you a job interview.

      Hentai does not always not involve a real girl. There is a hentai artist that goes by the name of Manyakis. From what I have seen on his twitter, quite a few of the female viewers of his work send pictures of themselves to serve as models and reference. He came even use videos via a process commonly known as rotoscoping.

      Hentai is consuming. I noticed over the years multiple standards for hentai capable of getting the job done increased as my exposure did. At first, novice art was good enough but over time, I required higher and higher quality. It became addictive and a daily thing for me. Soon, just naked girls weren’t enough. There had to be some fettish. They got worse and worse from just being in public, to electric shocks, to bestiality, to special sex devices that make the drawn girl have to do something or something else will happen (like if one girl moves to relieve pain, another girl is forced to feel more pain via the device). In other words, my sex drive was progressively warped do to the the flexibility of hentai. Not to mention all the time I spent looking at it. After doing some math, I found that over the past 10 years, I have wasted about 110 DAYS OF MY LIFE FOR ONLY 2 HOURS AND 20 MINUTES OF PLEASURE!

      All of these things I have said that effect the viewer also effect the artist. This is only a logical assumption because the artist must view the hentai as he/she draws it, they are technically considered a viewer themselves. I have no personal experience on that side of the subject. For those of you who want the Bible’s take on hentai, God showed me Ezekiel 23. The part that deals directly with hentai is Ezekiel 23:14-17which says “Then she carried her prostitution even further. She fell in love with pictures that were painted on a wall-pictures of Babylonian military officers, outfitted in striking red uniforms. And handsome belts in circles their waist, and flowing turbans crowned their heads. They were dressed like chariot officers from the land of Babylonia. When she saw the paintings, she long to get herself to them, so she said messengers to Babylonia to invite them to come to her. So they came and committed adultery with her, defiling her in the bed of love. After being defiled, however, she rejected them in disgust.”.

      All I have said is from personal experience.

    • Chris McKenna

      Thank you, Sean, for your open and honest reflections. Your story matters. I hope that it is an encouragement to others!

      Best, Chris

    • I understand what u mean. I started young as ever around the age of 5 and that was around the time i accidentally was introduced to sex itself. It formed from knowing it to thinking “well this anime character is hot let me look it up” thats how i used to think. Even then it messes with me because at the age 5 and on i became addicted thinking that its fake what’s the harm when i was being mentally screwed over. Don’t look down on yourself if u do watch it just know it isnt healthy mentally and porn in general isnt. im not even gone jack off or even think about porn until the real thing because all it does is screw with brain development. It also changes the way u think of some anime characters. Ive been doing this for 8 years and just now see the issue. My brain is still hurt and damaged but the best thing to do is pray and try to stay away from it.

      Im glad u along with me and many others can start healing from it

      Best thing to do is slowly set standards for yourself such as dont watch it period. Sometimes it might take u to not watch an anime but your health is more important then entertainment and from that point on up your standards

    • No to porn or hentai whatevs

      People in the comments be like “Ermahger porn isn’t bad and so is hentai, you so naive mahger”. Dudes porn IS bad and that includes hentai. You guys who loves porn are the naive ones thinking that it won’t affect you in any way other than pleasing. Bros you are influenced by what you watch, sure you obviously won’t follow what the characters did but you will slowly adapt to it and think that some of it normal and do it unconsciously. Bros bros bros porn can damage your purity which will lead you to impurity, obviously, and i’m sure an impure life is fail life because everything will look grey and brightful. I tell you all this because i was once a porn addict but i say to you living a life without porn is a beautiful one and so i suggest you do the same. :) :D

    • Tyler

      Awesome man I haven’t heard of any person who has broken free from that ungodliness I commend you for your efforts and enlightenment on this.😇

    • damn. This really warms my heart. If only my 42 year old son could feel the same way. Hes been watching hentai for so long its practically a religion to him. Every thanksgiving, he’d excuse himself from the dinner table and go into his room, and masturbates vigorously. I feel like a failure as a parent knowing my son gave up college because he “wouldn’t have time to catch up on the latest doujinshi chapter.” If anyone can possibly find help for my beloved son, please call the proper authorities. I’ll give anything to have a normal, upstairs son. Only god will tell.

    • Can easily tell that this kid never even watched hentai.

    • M

      Thank you to the author for writing this article. There are some more things I would have added, but regardless people should be more educated in general about how harmful porn is. I’m pretty sickened by some of the ignorant responses of some people on here (also the completely non related to the topic or nonsensical comments). It’s a shame how narrow minded people choose to be about porn. I’m not sure why people have come to these ridiculous conclusions that if it feels good, it must be healthy. That is not even a remotely true statement towards porn, or many others things in life.

      Even many non religious psychologists are concerned about the mental wellbeing of people obsessed with porn and our oversexualized media, society, and lifestyles. Sex is a healthy and wonderful thing, but like all things, can be abused and YES you CAN over indulge in sexual things.

      By the way, the porn industry makes LOTS of money off of how simple minded people are, and how easy people are to hook into sexual obsession. They don’t give a rats ass about your well being, and they purposely design there products to be….. ADDICTING! So that they can continue to make lots of money.

      I’m totally venting furiously so I apologize, but I am in my early 20s, female, who has struggle since a young age (not getting into it more then that) with the artificial pleasure that porn brings. I’m fully aware not all people are the same or have the same beliefs.
      Don’t be so quick to shut down something you don’t agree with, give it some though and actually do proper research on the topic of porn. And if you don’t like what the author wrote, well… then peaceful move about your internet browsing and find other things to read.

    • L

      i dont undestand why its even a thing

    • Jack

      Regardless of the psychological effects on people that hentai may project and the office episode we’re all thinking of, illustrations and animations are considered art by countless humans, including hentai/anime porn. This particular article does seem to have a thick bias toward the bestiality and women-ravaging videos. I personally feel wrong getting off to such videos, but it still works. I am too on the cusp of a change, and I hope to rid myself at least of the crazy shit. I feel it has actually changed my perception of women, and if not women, then relationship expectations for sure.

    • Grace

      I myself am recovering.. or trying to get in the process… at the tender age of 12. Likewise, I need advice. How do I start this process?

      I’m trying to get away from all manga, anime, social media, hentai, fanfiction, and Internet.

    • I Dont Have To Tell It

      Basically. I just hate how many people talk about geez “CLEANING” the mind. it’s obviously your own attempt and no one else will do it. You are just being distracted. I watch a lot of hentai and I don’t discriminate real girls for fiction, so you should stop with all of this

    • G-Man

      Hey look I just saw this and had to point a few things out. First of all, Hentai, as I know it, is rarely about abusing anyone. The way people find and watch abusive content, is if they are looking for it. Second, it is not about “the degradation and objectification of women” it’s just putting completely fictional drawings in situations that are intense for the enjoyment for everyone not just men. The Hentai industry even has animations for the LGBTQ+ community which is a great stride for them that was accepted for a lot longer than when the US started accepting gay or any other thing LGBTQ+ related, for example, Yaoi which isn’t necessarily porn though it can be. I would like to clarify that I do not think being gay is right but I will accept them because we are all sinners and I want to help them. Also, Mr. Matt Fradd it doesn’t look like you did a lot of research into this because EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD CAN STIMULATE REWARD CHEMICALS it’s just that sex is the way to max out on it. AND GUESS WHAT!! watching a porn, hentai, or any other video does not spontaneously induce orgasms therefore it’s not addicting by itself. Finally, don’t let a couple bad apples kill an orchard. Just because a fraction of Hentai and any other porn deals with abuse does not mean that the rest of it is. Some of us just want to see our favorite anime characters truly fall in love and watch it blossom and be fully and passionately expressed. In essence Hentai is not bad.

      I hope you, Matt Fradd, see this, tone it down a bit, and realize I am right.

    • Elsa

      The problem is, how can you stop watching it? As a woman, live porn is so annoying because it’s directed by men for men. At least in cartoon comic porn it’s quiet. I agree vehemently that anime and hentai is even more problematic than live action, but acknowledging that doesn’t fix live action porn or make it better for female consumption.

    • Moriah Dufrin


      In response to your question of how to stop watching, I would encourage both men and women who are struggling to use our Screen Accountability software as a part of recovery. When your device activity is being monitored by someone else (an ally), wouldn’t you be far less likely to even watch porn? We have found that this form of accountability helps people stop watching porn very quickly. It doesn’t mean the temptation disappears (and we all know that porn will never disappear), but it does help strugglers to stop watching it.

      I hope this answers your question!

    • Cantstand weakminds

      Let’s get this straight voluntarily abusing something cause a mental addiction? This is not the same as drug addictions where it is a physical addiction so please dont try to put urself on the same lvl as drug addiction. We choose to do bad stuff. Porn, drugs but if ur getting hooked on porn to the point u cant appreciate a living breathing women laying in ur bed. Ur a weak minded person and u really bring down the lvl of humanities evolution. I mean seriously u think cartoon porn is better then the feeling of a real woman. Ur weak and pathetic.

    • Sound of Logic

      Porn is bad, period. Whether you want to agree or not.

      To the ignorant commentators that think otherwise: If you can’t handle being contradicted and “need” to understand why it’s wrong then expand your mind beyond your weak, uneducated comments and opinions and try to prove with real concrete research and evidence that it supposedly is “good”. Only then will you find, as I have, endless proven research from mental health specialists and professionals who specialize in human behaviour and brain physiology (whom for YEARS have helped treat many, many people) tell you quite plainly that porn is indeed bad.

      I don’t need to prove my point here because I’ve ACTUALLY done the research and LIVED through the addiction, and anyone that dismisses addiction like “no big deal” is wrong.

    • Ann

      Bruh, it’s porn. Yall needa chill out and enjoy yourselves.

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Defeat Lust & Pornography

Dallas Jenkins On Overcoming Pornography

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the…

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Editor's Picks

Man embracing his friend who is sharing his story at the group therapy session

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Do You Want To Get Well? The Path to Surrender

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with…

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Editor's Picks

A young woman looking at her reflection.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Identity Shapes the Journey to a Porn-Free Life

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally…

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Editor's Picks

Pensive man lost in thought.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

What are you willing to do to overcome porn?

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during…

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Editor's Picks

A young woman outdoors.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

From Pain to Freedom: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Addiction

“Cry, you baby!” she shouted, towering over me and slapping my tiny…

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Editor's Picks

praying hands

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Gratitude Helps Overcome Porn

“Let’s go around the table and say something we’re thankful for” is…

9 minute read

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Related in Defeat Lust & Pornography

Dallas Jenkins

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Dallas Jenkins On Overcoming Pornography

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the…

Dallas Jenkins is a writer, producer, and director, best known as the mind behind The Chosen, the popular TV series depicting the life of Jesus. What you may not know about Jenkins is his story…

7 minute read


Man embracing his friend who is sharing his story at the group therapy session

Defeat Lust & Pornography

Do You Want To Get Well? The Path to Surrender

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with…

Redemption Road Mentoring provides recovery services to those who are struggling with sexual/pornography addiction and spouses dealing with betrayal trauma. As the first step in the mentoring process, both struggler and survivor are challenged with…

4 minute read


A young woman looking at her reflection.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Identity Shapes the Journey to a Porn-Free Life

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally…

When someone embarks on a journey to quit consuming pornography, they generally come from one of two places. Some people make a conscious, motivated decision to stop watching porn because they’re committed to a healthier…

4 minute read


Pensive man lost in thought.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

What are you willing to do to overcome porn?

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during…

I’ve been working at Covenant Eyes for almost 20 years, and during that time I’ve talked with thousands of people on their journey away from porn. There have been teens striving to use technology with…

5 minute read


A young woman outdoors.

Defeat Lust & Pornography

From Pain to Freedom: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Addiction

“Cry, you baby!” she shouted, towering over me and slapping my tiny…

“Cry, you baby!” she shouted, towering over me and slapping my tiny ten-year-old face. Two neighbor girls had locked me in a room and violently sexually assaulted me on a cold autumn afternoon. The memories…

7 minute read


praying hands

Defeat Lust & Pornography

How Gratitude Helps Overcome Porn

“Let’s go around the table and say something we’re thankful for” is…

“Let’s go around the table and say something we’re thankful for” is a clichéd Thanksgiving tradition. But this simple exercise may be more important than you realize—especially if you’re fighting the temptation to look at…

9 minute read