Help Others Restore Integrity Dirty Dozen List 2017
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2017’s Dirty Dozen List Revealed

Last Updated: November 4, 2020

Dirty Dozen List 2017

This week, our good friends at the National Center of Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) announced the organizations and corporations on its 2017 Dirty Dozen List.

What is the goal of the Dirty Dozen List?

This list names and shames companies and organizations that profit from sexual exploitation. These are mainstream entities that are major contributors to objectionable material like pornography, and may depict actions of prostitution and/or sex trafficking.

Consumers demand to know what chemicals are included in their drinks and food. They also want to know how companies treat their workers. In that same vein, the Dirty Dozen List points out what kind of products and/or services these companies and organizations offer. It empowers the consumer to know what these organizations are doing and call them out for not representing their values.

Does the Dirty Dozen List make a difference?

Verizon had been on the Dirty Dozen List for the last three years. But now, it is only on the “watch” list. It is taking proactive steps to address issues brought out by NCOSE. Verizon officials have informed NCOSE that its FiOS IPTV will arrive to consumers with pornography already blocked as a default. This is a big victory for those who value human dignity! Those who want to access objectionable material will have to jump through some digital hoops to get there. In the past, it was there for all to see as a default setting.

Who is on the list this year?

Comcast defends its stance on profiting from hardcore pornographic material saying it offers various choices to its customers. That’s why it is on the 2017 Dirty Dozen List.

EBSCO is an online library resource. It provides curriculum for K12 schools. NCOSE found links of hardcore pornography intermixed within resources intended for children. EBSCO officials have reached out to NCOSE saying it is working on better algorithms in its material and filtering so the user will be better protected. It remains on the list until it makes the necessary corrections.

NCOSE officials said, “While this is one of the greatest scandals ever covered by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s Dirty Dozen List, we are hopeful that it could become one of the greatest examples of a corporation intentionally changing policies to protect individuals from sexually exploitive content.”

For the second time, Amazon is named on the list. Its Kindle offers content of erotic novels and porn magazines. They are not categorized differently from other material and are readily visible in the “free” section.

Covenant Eyes stands with NCOSE in telling companies and organizations that pornography is harmful to people, their relationships, and society at large.

Check out the entire Dirty Dozen List, along with ways you can take action.

  1. Kelley

    In my opinion Google needs to make the list. My life has been ruined by internet porn. Ruined to the point of never ever being the same again.
    Can you imagine my surprise today when after downloading and PAYING for the Covenant eye service I picked up my husbands phone…opened his email and found one of Googles ads for Naughty dating. So I clicked. Wala!!! It opened!!!! It’s Sunday and I can’t get ahold of anyone at the service so I will tomorrow. So can the filter be bypassed by simply clicking a Google ad?! This experience has ruined me financially yet I pay for this service. What do I have to do?! Now I will go in to his Google account and see if these advertised smut sites can be bypassed just by using Google. I’m so pissed!!!!

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Kelley – I’m hopeful that by now you’ve been in contact with someone in Customer Service (877-479-1119), since I’m not sure of the device or the type of CE service you’re using (filtering, etc.). Our team is excellent and should be able to help!

      Peace, Chris

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks for the list (entire dirty dozen list), I jotted several of those that had not been previously blocked and added them to my already long list.

    I guess my previous blog about You Tube may have been a bit too detailed to allow on the site, but just wanted parents to be aware that You Tube is “not” safe one bit. There is sexually explicit material all over the place. It began to be such a problem for me I just blocked it totally, even after attempting to report numerous videos. There seems to be way too many loop-holes for people to jump through and thus in your face porn is allowed (?).

    Anyhow, the dirty dozen list has got to be one of the best things I have seen on Covenant Eyes yet…..keep it up!! My family uses the internet for research mostly and even that is seldom. We get what we need and shut it down. many of these sites you listed I have never even heard of, but thanks to you the homework has been done by you and that’s all the info I need. I really like the fact of when a site is blocked the pop-ups are even blocked.

    I am 71 days clean and am looking forward to the one year marker, thanks again guys!!!

  3. "Down The Tube"

    I actually tried to report a video and had to sign in to do this….I did not have an account so I made one just to report videos. I did not have to look far to do this and reported dozens of videos and told You Tube that there appeared to be scores of fetish videos. To keep me from viewing so much smut I just listed on one report words they could investigate that brought up explicit material. Out of the many I hade reported, I believe one site was eliminated, but many of the hardcore ones stayed on. You Tube is such a disappointment. I even saw some areas that seemed to give a hint of child pornography. I never opened any of the videos, but they were peppered in with the hardcore videos (?) Again, I attempted to report the page by taking a screenshot and sending it to them….nothing appeared to ever happen. other accounts had pictures (for the account picture) depicting hardcore sex acts, I reported them and nothing ever happened…..? I guess there is some “educational clause” on some of the videos on You Tube. Yeah, you have to sign in on many of these showing you are of age but these videos still break the so called rules it has established. It appears a play on words are used also….instead of “porn” many will have “pron”. Yep, I reported these accounts, and the accounts stayed and I closed my account and blocked it from being accessed. One account I reported bragged about having been taken down and boasted that they were back up and running. How much more in your face does that have to be. Their views were unbelievable and the site stayed up even after I attempted several times. Another hardcore video had a Charlie Brown video playing behind it. The hardcore video was on a smaller screen at the lower end of Charlie Brown video… were watching 2 videos at once?!

    My recommendation is that folks block this mind field and not allow anyone in their house to access it.

    I really appreciate you guys having the dirty dozen list. You Tube has really went down the tube!!

  4. Ron Graville

    Hi Guys,
    I’m a subscriber to CE, and struggle with walking in sexual integrity. I appreciate you sending out articles and blog posts to encourage us. I usually gain some insight from them.

    Let me now ask you to be more circumspect when explaining why someone is on the list. Case in point is Amazon. You call them out (and rightly so) because of the free accessibility of erotica on the Kindle. By phrasing it as you did it allows me – and others who struggle in this area – to know where and how to access this. Perhaps a better way to convey the same info could have been found that didn’t expressly share how I could access the inappropriate material.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Ron – I appreciate your input, and agree with you. I have prayed for your strength today as you continue to walk a life of integrity, day-by-day.

      Peace, Chris

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