Our People

We are passionate about helping people overcome pornography.

Covenant Eyes is a team of mission-minded individuals working together to help change lives.

We are now a 100% employee-owned company. After two decades of providing tools and resources to overcome pornography, our leadership began to think about how their mission might continue once they retired.

To that end, in 2020, Covenant Eyes implemented an employee stock-ownership program (ESOP).

This is vital because it means that each member of the Covenant Eyes team takes ownership of our mission—and ensures its ongoing success for many years to come.

Ron DeHaas is the co-founder of Covenant Eyes.

Ron has a BS and an MS in Geology from The Ohio State University and attended the University of Michigan as a Ph.D. candidate. He spent the early part of his career as a geologist and entrepreneur.

In 1992, Ron lost his wife and two children in a horrific car accident. At that time, he experienced the most intense grief he could have imagined. But through the tragedy, he also felt the presence of God in a way that changed his life forever. Ron developed a passion for protecting families, which he carries with him to this day. Ron remarried and became the father of three children. When the DeHaas family got the internet at their home, Ron quickly realized the dangers this presented to his new family.

Ron looked for a tool that would not only protect them but train them to use technology wisely. There were filters designed to block websites but nothing more.  Ron wanted something else. He envisioned something that would build a deeper relationship with his children. He wanted to teach them about accountability and the empowerment of a life free from shame and secrecy.

With the help of a tech-savvy young man from his church, Ron DeHaas invented Internet Accountability. He founded Covenant Eyes in the spring of 2000. Since then, over 2 million people have used Covenant Eyes. Ron also founded Nehemiah Ministries, a 160-acre retreat and counseling center in south-central Michigan for pastors and missionaries. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Through Covenant Eyes’ educational resources and Screen Accountability and Filtering software, he has directed over 1.5 million man-hours of battling pornography and sex trafficking.

Ron’s life verse is Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.”

Meet the executives who oversee the daily operations of Covenant Eyes.

Davin Granroth

Davin Granroth

Michael Lenkner

Mike Lenkner

Brenda Hinds

Brenda Hinds

Chris Taphouse

Chris Taphouse

Scott McClurg

Scott McClurg

Nicole Morris

Nicole Morris

Meet the counselors who review our Victory course content.

Andrew Sodergren

Dr. Andrew Sodergren

Dr. Michael Murphy

Dr. Michael Murphy

Dr. Eddie Capparucci

Dr. Eddie Capparucci

Marnie Ferree

Marnie Ferree

Mike Vaughn

Mike Vaughn

Troy and Melissa Haas

Troy and Melissa Haas

Come work with us!

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