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Rebuild Your Marriage 3 minute read

6 Powerful Stories of Marriages That Overcame Porn

Last Updated: January 4, 2024

When porn addiction enters the bounds of marriage, devastation and hurt usually follow. Many relationships are permanently torn apart because of sexual temptation and lust. However, at Covenant Eyes we have the joy of hearing stories from men and women who successfully restored their marriages, even after porn tried to ruin them. I want to share 6 of these powerful stories with you today.

April and Darren

When April discovered that her husband, Darren, was addicted to porn, she thought his problem was because of her. After 11 years of burying the issue, April finally snapped and was determined to leave her husband for good. But, she could never put the divorce papers in the mail. Through counseling, accountability, and the healing power of God, April and Darren’s marriage began to heal.

Ready April and Darren’s story…

Greg and Lynn

Greg had been medicating my traumas, hurts, and fears since he was eight years old—a lifetime of addiction and perversion. Words cannot describe the depth of pain, anguish, and betrayal that rolled over Lynn the night she found out that Greg was addicted to pornography. It was only by God’s grace that this couple was able to find healing and support, which ultimately saved their marriage.

Read Greg and Lynn’s restoration story…

Robin and Dave

Dave fought sexual addiction for 20 years, violating the sanctity of his marriage and eventually prompting Robin to ask him to leave. Forty days of separation later, Robin saw a real change in Dave, and she began to change as well. As they sought to restore their marriage together, Robin and Dave discovered their need for boundaries. These boundaries would end up playing a huge role in their relationship recovery.

Read Robin and Dave’s Story…

Jay and Lori

For 4 years, Jay lied to the love of his life. Eventually, the truth came out, and Lori was devastated. This moment of discovery led to a focus on putting their relationship back together and rebuilding trust. Then, Jay and Lori decided to take their story and use it to help other men and women heal from the damage of pornography.

Watch Jay and Lori share their story…

Nick and Carrie

Loved ones always ignored Nick’s pornography use until his wife Carrie finally confronted him, exposing it for what it was: an addiction. After the confrontation came counseling, which helped Nick see his propensities which promoted pornography in his life. Then he mapped out the activities and daily steps to put into practice to begin fighting back. This is where Covenant Eyes became essential to his recovery and a marriage free from porn.

Read Nick and Carrie’s story…

Brandon and Tonia

Brandon was willing to storm the castle and woo Tonia to win her heart, but he couldn’t give up porn. After four years of torment, intense pain, and betrayal, Tonia gave him an ultimatum: “Either get help or get out.” That was the turning point for Brandon and for their marriage. You can learn more about Brandon and Tonia’s story in our recovery series, Restored Vows.

Want to encourage other married couples in their fight to overcome porn? Give them the hope of healing and restoration by sharing the story of your relationship’s journey to freedom in the comments below. We can’t wait to hear from you!

  1. Samuel

    I struggle in sexless marriage
    Any thoughts

    • Keith Rose

      Hi Samuel! Thanks for your comment. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. There are many possible reasons for this, so I strongly encourage you to seek out marriage counseling. Good marriage counseling can help uncover the deeper issues that are hurting your intimacy.



  2. Shar

    Forty – five years lived in the shadow of my husband’s involvement w/ porn. The first 25, I didn’t know he was using, but wondered why out intimate relationship was so laden with landmines, and why our sons struggled w/ it. Year 26, he came out with his use and worked on it for several cycles over the next 15 yrs. During covid my elderly parents lived w/ us – he resorted more and more to it – finally saying he wasn’t sorry for using it any more. I’ve debated abt leaving, but am reluctant to – I just can’t live this way for the rest of my life. Today for the first time I laid it all out for him. We’ll see where it goes, w/ God’s help.

    • Kay Bruner

      Sending love and strength to you. Whatever happens, whatever he chooses, you have a life ahead of you with peace and health available.

      I hope you’ll find a therapist, just for you, to help you navigate this. You’ll probably also appreciate the online resources at Bloom for Women.

      You are worthy of every good and perfect gift. May those gifts find you and make you whole.


  3. Deb malkek

    It has been 7 months since I found out my husband was addicted to porn and having affairs, by doing a recovery prigram, accountability and boundaries we are on our way to recovery with God’s help

    • Moriah Bowman


      Praise God! This is amazing news!

      Praying for continue healing and freedom,

  4. David


    • Keith Rose

      Hi David!

      We’re here for you to help and pray for you! Let us know – you can contact or call our member care team at 1.989.720.8000 too.



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