Here are two contrasting cultural beliefs for you to consider:
- Sex is the best thing on the planet
- Heaven is full of the best things we can imagine
So if both of these things are true, why does the Bible tell us there won’t be any sex in heaven?
No Sex in Heaven?
In Matthew 22:30, Jesus says, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
I’ve expounded elsewhere how God designed sex to happen within marriage only, so we can naturally deduce here, as the original listeners would have automatically, that if there is no marriage in heaven, there is also no sex.
No sex in heaven? Many might ask what the other options are at this point!
One of the reasons this news shocks us is because we view sex and heaven selfishly. Culturally, sex has become a selfish act of consumption. And our view of heaven is typically a place of self-centered utopia. We picture beaches and paradise and all the pleasure for ourselves that we can dream of, often not with much thought about God being around at all. This me-centered paradise is a great match for lots of sex for all of eternity. In fact, several of the main world religions promise this (maybe a clue that those religions were made up by a man? But I digress…)
But thank goodness that’s not what heaven, or sex, is meant to be according to the Bible.
Sex is a one-flesh relationship that bonds a man and a woman together in every way possible. It’s why this one-flesh relationship can only function healthily within marriage. The one-flesh bond includes full acceptance and commitment to all a person is, not simply their body parts (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:4-6, 1 Cor. 6:15-16). You are one flesh, at all times, in all ways, which can’t be undone.
This sounds pretty amazing, and deep, and night-and-day different from what our culture calls “sex” today. But there’s more. This sex and this one flesh don’t exist for their own end. They aren’t the destination, they are simply another sign post. A sign post pointing to where?
What Sex Really Points To
After giving a treatise on marriage and sex, Ephesians 5 concludes with the following:
“’For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:31-32).
Heyo! The whole time Paul was talking about husbands and wives and marriage and sex in Ephesians 5, it says here he was actually talking about Jesus and us! Marriage and sex are metaphors for the relationship we have with Jesus.
What is a metaphor? It is a sign post. It points to the real thing. It’s something tangible we can look at in order to understand something else. It’s a symbol we can learn from in order to understand and experience the real thing.
The real thing is the one-flesh relationship Jesus desires to have with each of us. It’s the relationship he has with those who call themselves Christians. It’s a relationship of intimate love and acceptance and support and trust, where Jesus is the groom and we are the bride. Earthly marriage and sex are symbols that can help point us toward the real thing.
This is why there is no sex in heaven. You don’t need sign posts when you’ve arrived at the destination!
It’d be like driving to Disney World and parking the car at the green highway sign with the white text of “DISNEY WORLD” and the white arrow pointing to the off ramp. Imagine parking your car there, taking a selfie with the family, and then driving home, telling everyone you’d been to Disney World!
The destination is always better than the sign post.
Heaven Is Not a Perpetual Fast
Some might disagree! But the reason for the disagreement is because we’ve been worshiping the sign post for far too long and we simply don’t have the full experience of the real thing yet. In talking of the perspective that heaven would be a “perpetual fast” from sex in the minds of some, C.S. Lewis had this to say:
“…or else of a perpetual fast. As regards the fast, I think our present outlook might be like that of a small boy who, on being told that the sexual act was the highest bodily pleasure, should immediately ask whether you ate chocolates at the same time. On receiving the answer no, he might regard absence of chocolates as the chief characteristic of sexuality. In vain would you tell him that the reason why lovers in their carnal raptures don’t bother about chocolates is that they have something better to think of. The boy knows chocolate: he does not know the positive thing that excludes it.
We are in the same position. We know the sexual life; we do not know, except in glimpses, the other thing which, in Heaven, will leave no room for it.”
-C.S. Lewis, as quoted in a 1947 Time Magazine article
A boy can’t understand if you try to tell him sex is the highest bodily pleasure, because he is convinced chocolate is and isn’t ready to understand sex. We can’t understand that pure intimacy with God in his direct presence is what makes heaven, Heaven, not that it’s some me-centered place where we eat Bons Bons on the beach, while watching Netflix, and of course, having sex. Nor can we fully grasp that intimacy with God is better than sex, both now and for all eternity. But the truth remains, which we are exhorted to believe and live by.
This is fantastic news. We worship sex on earth, but it’s also our place of deepest longing and brokenness. A single person feels unloved because they don’t have a sexual partner. A married person goes to pornography, an affair, or fantasy, because the sexual partner they do have isn’t satisfying them.
The Answer to Our Longing for Sex
The answer to our longing for sex is not sex! It’s intimacy with Jesus. We get to experience this intimacy on earth. This unconditional love where God adopts us as his sons and daughters and is well-pleased with us and we are fully accepted into his arms because of what Jesus did on the cross for us. But imagine this experience in a fully direct, physical way. Wow! That is heaven.
This gives us reason to not worship sex and it also reminds us we don’t need sex. Whether we experience the sign post or not is somewhat irrelevant. What is relevant is that we take God at his word that the destination will be much better, attuning all of our navigational tools toward that destination, not any metaphor, imitation, or sign post along the way.
Rai , I’ve been great , good to hear from you too
Some more questions we all need to ask ourselves , from a Christian Biblical
and Scientific perspective
1. Is there
Really such a thing as “Love at first sight” or is it just
Physical Attraction at first sight ,
2. We have heard the Expression that
“There is somebody out there for everybody”
A Soulmate, is that really true Biblically, Scientifically, what if
a person’s soulmate lived hundreds of years ago , and the person obviously
cannot meet their soulmate , since their soulmate
lived hundreds of years ago
3. Is their Really such a thing as a “One True Love” in a
person’s life, and all Other Loves, Relationships are
Maybe False or Not as True
In Heaven and the New Earth
The Misery of Loneliness, Social Isolation Must
Never Exist Again, there should be close
Face to Face Friendships, Relationships for
Everyone, in terms of Quality and Quantity .
Loneliness and Social Isolation are a
Very Serious Problem in America and Worldwide
No one should ever be starving for Sex, Love,
Companionship, Relationships, Friendships in
Heaven and the New Earth
Human Beings Need Friendship, Fellowship
camaraderie, social connection.
I forgot to type in my above comment of
March 15th, 2025 – 2:25pm that the Bible verse Genesis 2:18 shows the vital human need for
Love , Companionship, Relationships, Friendship , that Loneliness and
Social Isolation are terrible things
In Heaven and the New Earth , No one should ever ever be without
Sex , Love, Companionship, Relationships, Close Friendship
It’s about Quality , but also Quantity of these things
Jeff W
March 18th, 2025 – 10:05pm
I forgot to type in my above comment of
March 15th, 2025 – 2:25pm that the Bible verse Genesis 2:18 shows the vital human need for
Love , Companionship, Relationships, Friendship , that Loneliness and
Social Isolation are terrible things
In Heaven and the New Earth , No one should ever ever be without
Sex , Love, Companionship, Relationships, Close Friendship
It’s about Quality , but also Quantity of these things
Hi Jeff. Its been awhile. How have you been, My friend. Thought we’d lost you. Its so good to hear from you again.
Haven’t checked the recent posts during the past few days because I was taking care of My mom who was hospitalized and now, she’s recovering at home.
Seeing your parents or your loved ones enduring pain can truly be heart-rending. But what gives us hope is the knowledge that one day all the sufferings and miseries we see at the present will become a thing of the past in the New Heavens and (take note) New EARTH where all things will become new and relationships, not just between GOD and Man, Creator and creation BUT also between fellow human beings, will be restored. This is why the Bible speaks about the Restoration of ALL things — (Acts 3:21) not just about the “Restoration of The Kingdom to Israel” as the Disciples of our Lord have longed for (Acts 1:6) when Yahweh restores the fortunes of His people (Psalms 14:7 among other related passages) BUT the Restoration of ALL things, where those who have overcome will inherit ALL things as promised by His Majesty, Our Father The King (Revelation 21:7).
This is the best way for us to handle and live through disappointments and heartbreaks in this PRESENT life, and in this fallen age, — by holding on to GOD and HIS Promises of a Better World and a Better Life where there will be no more death, sorrow and pain, thanks to what The Last Adam, The Lord Yeshua has done we can have a New Beginning and a Fresh Start.
It will indeed be like reliving life in the Garden of Eden ALL over again BUT this time on a more GRANDER Scale — for the Tree of Life that was once denied to man because of sin WILL BECOME ACCESSIBLE again, when The New World Comes. (Genesis 3:22-24 cp Revelation 22:2,14)
And remember, The Garden of Eden (Lit. Delightful Garden/Park) does NOT only talk about The Relationship between GOD and Man, Creator and creation BUT also between the relationship between A Man and A Woman OR as one faithful proverb puts it …
“The way of a Man with a maid” …(Proverbs 30:19)
As you wrote …
“In Heaven and the New Earth , No one should ever ever be without
Sex , Love, Companionship, Relationships, Close Friendship
It’s about Quality , but also Quantity of these things”
Afterall it was GOD and not Satan who designed sex, love and companionship for one’s own personal satisfaction BECAUSE The Creator is NOT A Selfish Narcissist who cares only about being worshipped by His Creation BUT also cares about THEIR HEARTS DESIRES (Psalms 37:4) and that includes their spiritual, physical, emotional and sexual desires.
This is why His inspired word also tells us on Proverbs 5:18-19
“Let your spring be blessed. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe and a graceful deer— let her breasts satisfy you at all times. Be captivated always with her love.”
So contrary to what popular belief that teaches Heaven and the New Earth will be devoid of romantic relationships DUE to the misunderstanding that none will marry — which is contextually reserved for those who are married in THIS life — (Mark 12:18-25) RELATIONSHIPS will continue and in the New Heavens and New Earth as we have studied in the past, childbearing will continue (Isaiah 65:17,23) in a World where even babes and sucklings will be SAFE not just from dogbites BUT also from snakebites (Isaiah 11:7) a Reality that is IMPOSSIBLE in THIS lifetime.
So let’s keep the embers of hope burning in our hearts dear friend for there is yet hope for those who had NEVER HAD THE CHANCE to have their wishes fulfilled in this lifetime, not just in the area of love and romance BUT also in acquiring the material things they want, and all other dreams they so aspire and were thinking of that woman who has been ravished by a Catholic priest or that young man or woman who has lost their dignity to marry because they’ve been sexually harassed by their pastor — or even more that homeless person on the street, the handicapped, the disabled and the mentally challenged — will GOD in HIS Love and Mercy NOT give them the FAIR SHARE they so deserve — the Chance that was NOT given to them FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, in THIS Life that most people call “unfair?”
Of course He would!
Of course He WILL!
OTHERWISE there’s no reason to love and worship Him IF all He ever thinks about is HIS own happiness and glory ALONE and NOT ours.
If LOVE isn’t Selfish as 1 Corinthians 13:5-7 tells us, then neither is GOD for GOD is LOVE (Ahava/Agape) (1 John 4:8)
Indeed, we should be thankful that GOD, Our GOD is not that self serving GOD, with a BIG EGO for He gives glory NOT just for Himself BUT also to HIS Creation, as the Psalmist wrote on Psalms 84:11
For Yahweh GOD is a sun and a shield. YAHWEH WILL GIVE GRACE AND GLORY. He withholds no good thing from those who walk blamelessly.
This is precisely why the Lord Jesus in His Prayer in Gethsamane said …
John 17:1 (WEB)
Jesus said these things, then lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, THAT YOUR SON MAY ALSO GLORIFY YOU.”
The Savior Simply meant that The Father does NOT deserve to be glorified by the Son UNLESS He glorifies Him also.
Its the same thing with us HIS creation and His children. We LOVE HIM because He loved us FIRST. (1 John 4:19)
OTHERWISE He doesn’t deserve our love at all. For IF on Earth there are no free lunches so also, in the Universal law there is NO such thing as Unrequited Love.
As long as Heaven and Hell exists as REWARD and PUNISHMENT for one’s deed there is NO such thing as UNcondional Love.
The Word of GOD (LOVE) in Romans 2:6
PLAINLY States …
GOD “will repay each person ACCORDING to what they have done.”
Which DEBUNKS the belief in unconditional love for IF GOD’S love was unconditional the verse should read
GOD “will repay each person REGARDLESS what they have done.”
We can be thankful that’s not how Paul wrote it.
Now lest we deviate from the TOPIC at hand, its good to know that relationships BOTH human and divine CONTINUE in the world to Come.
Think about that man and woman who was deprived of love and romance in this world MEETING FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN PARADISE, that girl who was killed after she got raped AND that soldier who died in the army without getting married. IF they are saved before they died in this life UNMARRIED like the widow who married SEVEN times — they would RISE again and START LIFE ANEW in A NEW WORLD where they can have offsprings for The Lord and as the prophet wrote on
Isaiah 65:23
They will not labor in vain nor give birth for calamity; for they are the OFFSPRING of Yahweh’s BLESSED AND THEIR DESCENDANTS WITH THEM.
And why are they called BLESSED? Because they have been part of the FIRST Resurrection where John says …
Revelation 20:6
BLESSED and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over these, the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with him one thousand years.
Revelation 21:4
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things have passed away.”
Wouldn’t it be better to start a PERFECT RELATIONSHIP with GOD and Man in such a perfect AGE in A Perfectly NEW World without pain, suffering and hunger?
As the blessed Apostle Wrote …
According to HIS promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, seeing that you look for these things, be diligent to be found in peace, without defect and blameless in his sight. (2 Peter 3:13-14)
With that Note
We leave everyone with
A Blessed Day 🕎
A Minor Typo from My first post
“Think about that man and woman who was deprived of love and romance in this world MEETING FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN PARADISE, that girl who was killed after she got raped AND that soldier who died in the army without getting married. IF they are saved before they died in this life UNMARRIED (typo corrected) UNLIKE the widow who married SEVEN times — they would RISE again and START LIFE ANEW in A NEW WORLD where they can have offsprings for The Lord and as the prophet wrote on
Isaiah 65:23
They will not labor in vain nor give birth for calamity; for they are the OFFSPRING of Yahweh’s BLESSED AND THEIR DESCENDANTS WITH THEM.”
Keith Rose, Rai & Everyone Else
I found this article about what type of Bodies Christians have in Heaven
The Intermediate State
Another Sex related Question is that is it a Sin for a woman to pose Nude ?
Many Women have said posing nude makes feels great, that it makes them
feel beautiful and sexy .
Since Countless Adults in America alone, Many Countless Adults are Often
Chronically for Many years Decades upon Decades upon Decades unable to Get Sex
From a Christian Perspective, it’s Very Wrong , Evil , Sinful , Heartless, Insensitive, Uncaring of
America to Outlaw Prostitution , Sex Work for Consenting Adults
It definitely Needs to be Made Legal in All 50 States for the Countless people who are
Unable to Get Sex Naturally for Various Reasons
I’ve read that Many people who visit Sex Workers, Prostitutes do so
Not just for Sex , but Also for a sense of Companionship, to combat Crippling
Debilitating Loneliness
Sex is a Vital Human Need, Sex, Human Touch and Contact are
Vital Essential Human Needs for Good Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health
Vital Needs, Not Just a Desire
America is WRONG to Condemn Sex Starved Adults to a
Miserable Sexless Existence , Paid for Sex is still Far Better than No Sex
Far Better than Nothing
America in 2025 is Still a Very Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Puritanical
Prudish , uptight, Puritan Nation , America should just Grow Up, be Mature
And have Compassion, Sympathy and Empathy for the Countless Adults
Unable to Get Sex Naturally and Just Make Prostitution Legal Nationwide
In Every State, all 50 States, at Reasonable Prices
Since it’s Perfectly Legal in Most Other Nations of the World in 2025
But Not America, except for certain parts of Nevada
Most people don’t have the time and/or Money to Travel to Remote Areas of Nevada
To Legally pay for Sex without Fear of being Arrested
And they shouldn’t have to, the Laws should be Reasonable Everywhere
Also what are we to make of Near Death Experiences , NDE’s , are they Legitimate and
Do they offer any insight to our Discussion about Sexual Intercourse and
Lovemaking in Heaven
Hey Rai, hope you’re doing well. I agree that’s an important topic. Ministry Watch is an organization that focuses on accountability for church leaders and ministries. They’ve done a lot of work to expose predatory church leadership. I suggest you check out their site for more on this topic.
Wonderful! Praise GOD! Thank you so much Keith. I’m indebted to you. Will check the link you provided right now.
Hi Again brother Keith
I enjoyed reading some of your well writ articles. And IF its not much for Me to ask,on behalf of every man woman AND child who has suffered depression and trauma under the hands of religious predators in the Church — regardless of sect or denomination, can I lovingly suggest that you also write an article on …
HOW TO GET RID OF SEXUAL PREDATORS in the Church FOR REAL from the Leadership to laymen?
Because in TODAY’S world these vermins are the ones causing MORE harm and trouble to the innocent little children, NO not porn — as defined in modern world — BUT the EXISTENCE of these demented church leaders who prey on the poor and innocent.
Tell Me once you have written such article
I would give you My FULL support.
In the Name of
Him who was unjustly
Open your mouth for the mute, in the CAUSE OF ALL WHO ARE LEFT DESOLATE.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and serve JUSTICE to the poor and needy.”
(Proverbs 31:8-9)
Hey Rai, hope you’re doing well. I agree that’s an important topic. Ministry Watch is an organization that focuses on accountability for church leaders and ministries. They’ve done a lot of work to expose predatory church leadership. I suggest you check out their site for more on this topic.
Rai, I hope your mother makes a full recovery , I will keep her in my prayers
It is very upsetting to see any human being or animal suffer
especially a loved one , I remember in the early 1990s
My Mother who was in her 40’s has chest pains and other severe
Physical Ailments on several occasions and had to call an
Ambulance, it was upsetting to witness the Emergency Medical Technicians come
to treat my Mother
Several Questions and Thoughts
What are we to make of the Bible verses
1 Corinthians 15:42-44 and it’s context about the type of Bodies we
will have in Heaven and the New Earth ?
What about my Questions in my comment of
March 15th, 2025 – 2:25pm
& Also my comments in my post of
March 21st, 2025 – 3:28pm
Also in your comment of
March 21st, 2025 – 4:20am are You saying that in Heaven, All people in Heaven will be
Reconciled to God , but also to Each Other
Plus , Not everyone is able to get Married in this
brief Earthly Life, Not Everyone wants to Get Married
Some people take the View that why should they get Married
If there is a 50 percent or higher chance it will end in
It’s Not about being “Entitled” to Sex, Love, Companionship, Relationships
It’s about these being Human Needs, Vital to good
Mental , Physical and Spiritual Health , for a person’s
Sanity and Self-Esteem
I have read about some Men who are unsuccessful with women
For them Romantic Rejection is very painful, they get jealous and envious
seeing other guys with their girlfriends, wives in public
They also wish they could be successful with women , if Not in
This Life, at least in Heaven and Also the New Earth
Shalom again, Keith
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. 3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
Amen. No further comment here. We bow to the Authority of The Scripture. Fully agree.
I’m convinced that it dishonors God and harms us body and soul when we consume pornographic content for sexual arousal.
Well, as the apostle Paul wrote with regards to preferred days so say we here to your CONVICTION …
Each one should be fully CONVINCED in his own mind. (Romans 14:5)
Personally, I’d stick to the SCRIPTURAL definition of Porn, NOT the modern twisted rendition of it, because that would be like calling a Hamburger flier THE FOOD ITSELF. No offense. Again
Each one should be fully CONVINCED in his own mind. (Romans 14:5)
Happy is he who does NOT condemn himself in what he APPROVES. (Romans 14:22)
Personally I find NOTHING wrong in reading and viewing what humans in their petty laws and rules condemn IF the motive IS right that is to avoid greater sin.
Was Our Lord guilty of robbery when He commanded His Apostles to untie a donkey BEFORE asking permission from its OWNER? (Matthew 21:2-3) OR is GOD the Father guilty of infanticide and genocide when He commanded the slaughter of men, women and CHILDREN in the past? (1 Samuel 15:3) IF not then NEITHER are we, to ANYTHING we approve IF the motive is right.
Imagine if the sexual predators in the church BOTH in Catholicism, Protestantism and Pentecostalism like old Ted and J Swaggart has practiced SELF CONTROL like us and found ways to DIVERT their NATURAL human urges in a way that would NOT destroy OTHER lives, that could’ve prevented alot of unnecessary damages, am I right? But sadly, these self righteous preachers would rather hurl a fire and brimstone sermon condemning those who “watch” (the modern and unscriptural definition of) porn and masturbation when THEY themselves commit GREATER offenses. Imagine.
What would YESHUA say to them? Something more like
Matthew 7:3-5 (WEB)
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?
Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye;’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye?
You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.
And as history has proven, using fair judgment THEY who have destroyed countless lives and the lives of children should learn to SHUT their mouths up when condemning those with sins that are NOT as great (log) as theirs.
Imagine IF and I’ll not shy away in saying this, they have masturbated their sexual urges in private RATHER than spilling their shameless conduct on an INNOCENT victim, child, man OR woman — ruining their WHOLE lives and self worth and Im saying this with righteous indignation on behalf of their victims, they would’ve SAVED plenty of lives. For in the Scriptures masturbation OR emission of semen is NOT counted as a sin punishable by death. Read Leviticus 15:16
Adultery is. (Leviticus 20:10)
Here we see that GOD truly knows and understands our COMMON physiological response BUT does NOT tolerate OR condone our sins.
So lets call sin according to how GOD defines it and not how our modern day standards understands it.
Over the last 20 years I’ve spoken with hundreds of men and women whose lives were in shambles because of pornography addiction. Some people were trapped by fetishes that wouldn’t even be considered porn by most. Others were enslaved to horrible material that is criminal under US law. I know of several who wound up in prison.
Under US law.
Really? Then why do I see someone who (and out of respect for you in this article I’d censor some words) … NOT only ran for president BUT even WON the election, although he has been convicted of multiple crimes INCLUDING rape and has been known as a notorious p***y grabber? Here
On YouTube Type:
Trump gets caught Saying Grab her by the P—y
(You know the word)
Why don’t THEY arrest him then?
What? They’re putting a child who stole an apple to satisfy his hunger behind bars BUT let an insurrectionist like Barabbas go scott free?
Its been two thousand years since then and I believe nothing has changed EXCEPT only for technology.
How lax can your laws be to such BIG TIME crooks? Can they only handle the small timers? Do you truly believe your own citizens will still have RESPECT for the law to nail criminals when they’re putting the BIGGEST CRIMINAL and INSURECTIONIST into office? Even the Scripture tells us on Psalms 12:8 …
The wicked walk on every side, WHEN THE VILEST MEN ARE EXALTED.
HOW True is that verse in our times in ANY country, yours and Mine. Here in the Philippines we have a Cult Leader who has been previously convicted of rape and money laundering abroad BUT guess what? He eventually made it into the senatorial race. Imagine that
Google Search
Minors Raped, Women Trafficked: The Murky World Of “Appointed Son Of God”
Quiboloy running for Senator
For hardcore proof, to prevent others won’t FALSELY accuse us of slander or defamation.
Now please DON’T misunderstand.
I’m NOT saying you support the man I was talking about. Its not your fault. Besides you’re not the one in power. We’re not the ones in power. I’m just saying how INconsistent your US government is. Not just yours to be FAIR. But Mine as well and the same is true with others MAINLY because they have leaders AND pastors who nitpick the smallest of sins committed by their fellow citizens, while HIDING and COVERING UP the most grievous ones — like pharisees who strain out a gnat BUT swallow a camel (Matthew 23:24) — and this holds true from the Vatican down to every protestant denomination. Those who convict robbers BUT are SCAMMERS in broad daylight. Those who say they are working for peace BUT are GUILTY of the blood of men and women in the Inquisition and those who hate porn (modernly defined) but has ruined the lives of countless CHILDREN. What’s the penalty for such crimes? Being drowned into the sea with a millstone hung around their neck as The Lord suggested? (Matthew 18:6)
But being transferred to ANOTHER parish in order to prey on MORE helpless victims. You tell Me these are the people who should teach us right from wrong. Justice from injustice.
Woe to them all. Id not shy away to give them the finger to their faces. Sorry if you think I’m getting emotional. Just being TRUTHFUL.
IF only men aren’t shallow and petty in their judgements things wouldn’t have gotten worse as today. But what can we do? We’re in the last days, where “evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”
(2 Timothy 3:13)
But praise God that the blood of Jesus covers all sin if we just repent and plead his forgiveness. That’s true whether we’re guilty of a wayward covetous thought like Paul, or outright adultery and murder like David. The Bible is never prudish about sex. But it does reveal that our hearts are more sinful than we can imagine (Jeremiah 17:9) and we desperately need God to make us holy (Hebrews 12:14).
Holy again, in GODS definition of holiness NOT according to man’s petty standards. Men who claim to have religious authority over us like the scribes and pharisees in the past, who array themselves like honourable and dignified men but are corrupt to the core who in the words of Scripture, “are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. A generation that is pure in their own eyes, yet are not washed from their filthiness … who say, ‘Stay by yourself, don’t come near to me, for I am holier than you.’ These are smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all day. (Matthew 23:27; Proverbs 30:12 & Isaiah 65:5)
And IF GOD was infuiriated by these eyesores, so they also to us should be. With that I leave you with
Truth and Love
In Christ
The Anointed King