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How Many Men Watch Porn?

Last Updated: March 11, 2025

No, not everyone watches porn—at least not intentionally. But most men do intentionally seek out pornography on a regular basis. The latest research indicates just how widespread pornography use has become. Let’s dig into the latest data.

A 2005 study of Danish adults ages 18 to 30 found 98% of the men and 80% of the women had seen pornography.1 Two decades later, we know that pornography is even more widespread. The likelihood of anyone 18 or older never seeing pornography is nearly impossible. See more stats about teens and porn

However, this doesn’t mean all men intentionally seek out pornography. Just because almost everyone sees porn doesn’t mean that everyone watches it.

A 2014 Barna Group survey revealed 65% of U.S. non-Christian men, and 64% of U.S. Christian men, looked at pornography at least once a month.2 Here’s the breakdown according to age:

  • 79% of 18- to 30-year-olds
  • 67% of 31- to 49-year-olds
  • 49% of 50- to 68-year-olds

This was just a small survey, but the data captured the attention of many Christians. Barna published The Porn Phenomenon: The Impact of Pornography in the Digital Age in 2016, providing in-depth research on Christians in the United States and porn. Then, in 2024, they published a follow-up study, Beyond the Porn Phenomenon with their most recent findings on pornography use in the US. This is the best data we have on pornography usage. It reveals the earlier trends in porn use among men have continued. More men are watching porn on a regular basis.

However, there remains a small population of men that does not watch porn. Not only that, with the help of organizations like Covenant Eyes and many others, there’s a growing number of men who used to watch porn but don’t anymore.

Barna’s 2024 study found that 78% of men (including 75% of Christian men) do consume pornography to some extent.3 If we plug in population statistics, how does this translate into actual numbers?4

See How Many Women Watch Porn?

 GroupNumber of Men
Men in USA (ages 13-65) 115,969,156
Men watching porn 90,455,942

Now, notice that I’ve only included population data for ages 13-65 since that reflects Barna’s survey. In reality, the number is higher than this, since most preteens have already been exposed to pornography and many men continue to consume it into their 70’s and 80’s.

Barna also reported the frequency of porn consumption among men.

How Often They View PornPercentage of MenTotal Number of Men
Once or twice per month15%17,395,373
Less often21%24,353,522

This means well over half the men in the United States—66,102,418 of them—watch porn at least once a month.

While tens of millions of men are watching porn, many have realized the devastatingly negative effects pornography has on themselves, their relationships, and society.

Discover more of the latest research into pornography at Covenant Eyes Porn Stats.

1 Gert Martin Hald, “Gender differences in pornography consumption among young heterosexual Danish adults,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 35 (2006):577-85. doi: 10.1007/s10508-006-9064-0. PMID: 17039402.

2 Proven Men Porn Survey (conducted by Barna Group), located at accessed May December 27, 2024.

3 Pure Desire Ministry, Beyond The Porn Phenomenon: Equipping the Church For a New Conversation About Pornography, Betrayal Trauma, and Healing (Ventura, CA: Barna Group, 2024).

4 Calculated using data from United States Census Bureau, “Population Clock,” accessed December 27, 2023 at and

  1. Important topic! Understanding the prevalence of porn consumption is crucial for raising awareness and promoting healthier habits in society.

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