Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Can God Heal This? An Answer from the Wife of a Porn User

If you have discovered that your husband views pornography, you are probably deeply hurt. Most likely, you are crushed. If you’re like me, you feel hopeless, lost, and worthless. That’s how I felt three and a half years ago. That was when I discovered my husband of ten years was…

Blog Post

The Day He Let an Intruder Into His Home

This post has been updated as of January 2021. It’s a dark, moonless night. You’ve been asleep for hours. A strange sound jars you awake and you rub your eyes, listening for the sound again, a deep feeling of apprehension rising in your heart. There it is again; a bump,…

Blog Post

Three Cheers for Real Sex!

How many movies have you seen that portray a couple who’s been married for thirty years having sex? I am sure a few exist, but when you think generally about who’s having sex on the big screen, it’s usually a younger couple that recently started dating or are just having…

Blog Post

Little Boys in Men’s Bodies: What masculinity is and is not

Howdy Partner! Tell me what guy doesn’t occasionally belt this song in an off-pitched squeal in the shower, in his car, or in his own head at the grocery store. Here is a classic example of the pervasiveness of the Western film genre and how it continues to impact our…

Blog Post

Have Porn Addiction, Will Travel

We have a closet that perpetually needs to be cleaned out and organized. It seems to attract junk on a daily basis. It’s also the holding spot for all things craft, which means it receives regular visits from our youngest. And while she normally creates something of beauty, she leaves…

Blog Post

Using Covenant Eyes Transformed My Life (Scholarship Essay)

There are only a few weeks left to apply for a Covenant Eyes scholarship! Each year we award thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate integrity. Check out the application information and pass it along to a student you know or apply for the scholarship today. Applications are due by May 31,…

Blog Post

Consumerism and the Culture of Porn

When visiting the public museum recently, my family and I made our way to the upper floor that featured artifacts from what would be considered primitive cultures. People in these parts of the world do not have the benefit of Western technology, and much of their lives are spent simply…

Blog Post

What to Do if My Child Is Looking at Porn: 5 Critical Steps

“In the last days, perilous times will come….” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Our children are growing up in a dangerous world, and as parents we cannot always protect them! Pornography is rampant and children are exposed at earlier and earlier ages. Satan can use an “accidental find” to hook an innocent…

Blog Post

How the Internet Challenges Traditional Parent-Child Roles

Children and teens swim in an ocean of technology. It is their natural environment. Parents, on the other hand, often feel like fish out of water. In 2009 alone, 47 million new websites went up. That’s nearly two new websites going up every second. Parents ask us: How can I…

Blog Post

Sexual Sabotage: The Pornifying of American Youth

  By Luke Gilkerson A little over a week ago Covenant Eyes was invited to be a part of the Convergence Summit outside Baltimore, Maryland, which united hundreds of leaders from around the country to talk about the rapid sexualization of our culture. Many speakers took to the stage to…