Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Renewing the Mind: Muttering Matters

Continued from Part 3 So far in these posts on “renewing the mind” we’ve looked at renewing our imaginations and our practical theology. But now we begin looking at a day-to-day, moment-to-moment process of mind-renewal: how we talk to ourselves. Mind renewal must necessarily involve a change in the vocabulary…

Blog Post

Sexual Betrayal Is Not Your Fault (But What’s Your Part?)

When my wife of eighteen years closed the door on our marriage and drove away to meet her lover, I crumpled to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. The news of her nine-month affair and her decision to leave me and our two children came just minutes apart, and out of…

Blog Post

Instilling Sexual Confidence in Our Daughters

by Shannon Ethridge We’ve been seeing more of Bristol Palin in the media lately now that she’s had her baby, and I hope parents realize what incredibly valuable “teachable moments” Bristol ushers onto our doorsteps. Let’s not ignore them. I asked my own 17-year old daughter, Erin, “What do you…

Blog Post

Killing Mr. Hyde: The Bible’s Plan for Overcoming Sin

In my conversations with Christians about pornography—especially those who are caught in the snare of it—I am often asked if there is any good reading they could do that would help them wrap their minds around their obsession with porn. I have recently added a book to my “must read”…

Blog Post

Guarding Our Daughters in This Sexualized Culture

Aren’t little girls such precious gifts? And to think, we have two! I so deeply want to do right by them and raise them to love God with all of their heart. Yet, I can’t help but shudder at the lust-loving, female-objectifying, girlhood-stealing culture that welcomes them with open arms.…

Blog Post

Men Without Friends – Book Review

My first thought when I received a book called Men Without Friends was “What a sad title!” It’s not only a sad title, but a sad reality for many men of today. Men don’t have deep friendships. It’s not that they don’t have individuals they call “friends” –  they do.…

Blog Post

Be Informed. Be Brave: Parenting Kids in the Internet Age

Kids and teens are “digital natives.” Parents are usually not. Children are growing up online. Digital media is the air they breathe. For example, 70% of America’s young people use the Internet daily. Teens spend an average of 31 hours a week online—that’s almost a full-time job. For many parents,…