Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

5 Motivations to Resist the Click

“When you guard your purity, you’re protecting a treasure, so apply yourself to its longevity the way you’d protect anything valuable. Recognize its worth. Work hard to keep it, and reject anything which threatens it.” –Joe Dallas To successfully resist the click, it is necessary to have more in place…

Last Updated: November 9, 2017 Emma Joy

Blog Post

New Legal Requirements for Your Child’s Privacy

Shortly after Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing on the Government’s massive data-gathering and surveillance program, another massive breach of privacy was discovered. For more than a year, a bug had allowed Facebook users to download the contact information (including e-mail addresses and phone numbers) of not just their friends, but also their friends-of-friends–even…

Blog Post

It’s Time to Declare War on Lust

Lust presents itself as a plaything for you, but as you have learned, it is vicious. Lust is not just about lying; lust has waged war. Since war has been declared, you have to make a few primary decisions. Are you willing to fight? Are you willing to kill? Are…

Blog Post

10 Truths Exceptional Parents Live By

Parents – Raising Kids is Hard. But all Good Things are Difficult. “Parenting is hard, but there are few things in life that rise to this level of importance. God has chosen parents to be primary instruments in the shaping of a human soul.” –Paul Tripp An honest assessment and…

Last Updated: October 23, 2020 Emma Joy

Blog Post

Samson and the Pirate Monks (Book Review)

Samson and the Pirate Monks is a story about a fellowship of men—men who are helping one another to take off their pious masks and bear their souls to each other. The subtitle really captures the purpose of the book: “Calling Men to Authentic Brotherhood.” The cover of the book,…

Blog Post

Ben’s Story: How Accountability Changes Everything

His head was buried in his arms. His shoulders began to shake, and I heard muffled sobbing. Ben* was devastated. Powerless. Crushed. I had been sitting in Ben’s apartment for an hour. He had called me earlier in the evening, and I had rushed over, not sure what to expect.…

Blog Post

How Much Will You Let Pornography Rob From You?”

If you are the wife of a (hopefully recovering) pornography addict, I have a heart-felt message I want to share with you. But first, I want you to pray that God would open your heart and mind in such a way that you’d be able to fully receive it with…

Blog Post

Best of the Blog 2011

Favorite moments on Breaking Free this year… It was another great year on our blog. We’ve published over 260 posts, seen hundreds of thousands of visitors, and received over 1,100 comments this year. But most importantly, our blog has again been a center for community and conversation about crucial topics…

Blog Post

Finding Recovery Difficult? Imagine What Your Partner Is Feeling

Daniel stormed about the office, complaining about his porn recovery schedule: “This is too overwhelming for me. She knows what my work schedule is like and how demanding my job is… yet, she and you still expect me to do all this recovery work. Well, I am telling you, all…

Blog Post

Killing the Dragon: My Struggle With Sexual Sin

The war that I have been waging against my flesh has been going on for around six years now. The story of how that war began and how I came to faith in Jesus Christ is actually the same, so the subjects of sexual sin, pornography, and lust have all…