Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Ex-Porn Producer Exposes Myths People Believe About Porn

Updated as of August, 2020: The following is an excerpt from an ebook that is no longer in circulation. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused and encourage you to instead download Your Brain on Porn. Matt: I know your story is a long one, and we will probably…

Blog Post

The 2020 Dirty Dozen List Revealed

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), a non-partisan, non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, released its 2020 “Dirty Dozen List” this week. NCOSE’s mission is to defend human dignity and oppose sexual exploitation. To do that, the organization names and shames 12 prominent brands, companies, and organizations that profit…

Blog Post

Should a Pastor Be Fired for Viewing Porn?

Ask adult Christians what should be done if their pastor is using pornography, and 41% say, “He/she should be fired or asked to resign.”* Another 29% say the pastor should take a leave of absence until he/she stops using porn. Those over 50 years of age were more adamant about…

Blog Post

Sexual Sabotage

The Pornifying of American Youth In last month’s issue of Pure Minds Online (the Covenant Eyes e-magazine), I wrote a story called “Sexual Sabotage: The Pornifying of American Youth.” I’ve been asked by several people to supply sources for the stats given in the article for research purposes. I’ve reproduced…

Blog Post

What to Do Your First 30 Days of Porn Recovery

Every porn or sex addict who has found years of recovery has the same thing in common–the first 30 days. Before you can be sober for 30 years, you have to get sober for 30 days. If you are serious about finding lasting sobriety and real recovery, I invite you…

Blog Post

Porn: A Psychiatric Perspective

The following is an interview with consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Samir Parikh, MBBS, DPM, MD. Dr. Parikh did his graduate and post-graduate work at Civil hospital in Ahmedabad. He is an international speaker and is one of the leading academic experts in the field of mental health. He serves as the…

Blog Post

The Path to True Intimacy and Better Sex

Every husband who wants to improve his sex life should learn to spell. Typically, guys spell intimacy S-E-X, said Dr. Dan Erickson. It’s not entirely our fault. Our sexualized culture has encouraged the misspelling, and it has distorted the definition too. Intimacy in our culture often describes a “what,” Erickson…

Blog Post

5 Recovery Tips You Won’t Find in a Book

It is important to read all you can about recovery. We live in an age when thousands of books, articles, and speeches are available, which address recovery from every angle. It is impossible to read too much. Go to every conference, read every blog, listen to every podcast. I’m all…