Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

iSelf: How Online Identity May Indicate Bigger Problems In Your Teens

Constructing an Online Identity Conventional wisdom tells us people pretend to be other than who they are online. The stereotype of a sexual predator, for instance, is an adult male masquerading as an adolescent in order to groom youth (for the real story on this, download our e-book). New research…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Safeguard Your Kids from Unseen Dangers

Have you ever wondered how to prepare your kids for handling unseen dangers, such as pornography, yet also preserve the innocence of childhood as best as possible? I believe that intentionally imparting wisdom to kids can help balance their naivety without having them grow up too fast. Learning prevention tools…

Blog Post

The Mortification of Sin (Part 5 of 15)

“Life is short. Pray hard.” You may have seen this bumper sticker once or twice in your life—or maybe on a t-shirt or a cheesy inspirational poster in the youth pastor’s office. But it is more than a Christian slogan. For some, it is the primary means they use to…

Blog Post

7 Lessons from the Pit of Betrayal

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my…

Blog Post

Healing Childhood Wounds: Two Stories of Victory

Porn is a terrible enemy. Its grip is especially powerful when it’s connected to deep wounds from childhood. But people are finding victory over porn every day. Everyone’s victory story is different. The journey it takes to find freedom is different too. Richard and Sarah both experienced horrific abuse and trauma…

Blog Post

Rebuilding Your Marriage After Porn Addiction

Discovering your husband has been watching pornography is one of the most devastating things for a wife. I know this to be true in my own life because my husband watched pornography for ten years before I ever found out. It has been three and a half years since that…

Blog Post

What are the most up-to-date stats on pornography?

Where can you get up-to-date stats on pornography? Over the years, that question has brought hundreds of people to the Covenant Eyes website, looking for pornography statistics. But because of the sensitive nature of the topic, in-depth studies are rare, and many are old. So where can you get the most up-to-date statistics?…

Blog Post

From Discipleship to Family

In a previous blog post, I talked about the importance of discipleship.  A disciple is not merely a student who wants to know what a teacher knows, but someone who wants to BE who the teacher IS.  This is ultimately what it means to follow Jesus today as His disciple. …

Blog Post

3 Reasons Accountability Is Better than Internet Filtering

Not too long ago, I spoke with a friend of mine who recently started using Covenant Eyes to protect his teenage sons, one of whom had been struggling with pornography. “It’s going well,” he said. “I’ve got it set up so that we’re receiving each other’s reports. I’ll tell you,…