Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Finding the Willpower to Defeat Porn: Part 3

You are tired of the battle. You are tired of fighting against temptation and losing. For every step forward you take, you take two steps back. You assess your options at this point. You can give up and binge on your addiction. You know this will only make matters worse,…

Blog Post

3 Critical Ways to Pursue Sexual Purity

Christians have been called out of darkness and into light. As such, they are to put off the flesh and put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14). As a result of being placed in Christ through the finished work of Christ, God calls His people to put to death…

Blog Post

What Did Christians Say About Accountability in Ancient Times?

I take new ideas with a grain of salt⁠—especially when it comes to my faith and Christian living. So when I read about “accountability,” “accountability partners,” and “accountability groups,” my first instinct is to suspect it’s a fad that will soon go out of style. To my surprise, I’ve found…

Blog Post

10 New Stats About Porn That Should Scare You

Research on pornography comes out every year, and 2014 was no exception. Overall, the trends were predictable: more people are watching porn, and more porn is available now than ever before. Still, when you drill into the details, we found some disturbing trends. Get all the sources for our statistics…

Blog Post

5 Tips for Online Dating for Single Christians

There are pros and cons to online dating. Pro: There are great people online (I have found them, know them, and am one of them). Pro: For someone immersed in a career or ministry, online dating can open up opportunities that normally would not exist. Pro: There is intention. There is…

Blog Post

3 Recovery Killers That Could Be Keeping You from Freedom

Is Recovery from Porn Possible? “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10a). It should be no surprise then that these three recovery killers we’ll talk about come straight from the father of lies–Satan himself. Jesus on the other hand came to give us life. He said it…

Blog Post

The Internet and Your Kids: “You can’t protect them forever”?

by Keith Pond God has ordained parents protect their children. When does that stop? That stops when the child leaves home to make their own way in the world. One of the saddest arguments I hear from parents when discussing some area where they have been permissive with their child…

Blog Post

Google+: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

When it comes to new product releases, few companies get as much press and as much response as Google. Just think: three weeks after a limited release of their new social network Google+, the online giant’s attempt to rival Facebook has already reached 10 million users. So what’s the hype…

Blog Post

How to React the First Time Your Child Admits to Watching Porn

My child stands shivering before my wife and I and says, “I didn’t tell you before, because I was too afraid, but I looked at pornography a month ago, sort of for a few days in a row.” What am I supposed to say? I had no warning at all.…