Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Redeeming My Marriage After Porn Addiction: Robi’s Story

I never thought my life would have any association with the word pornography. I grew up in a Christian family with my mom, dad, and brother. My childhood was great. We didn’t even have a computer until I was in my college years. My dad never had any objectionable material…

Blog Post

CS Lewis on Lust (Part 2)

In C.S. Lewis’ masterpiece, The Screwtape Letters, Lewis presents a series of correspondence from a master demon in the “lowerarchy” of hell to an apprentice demon who is assigned to tempt a particular man on earth. The whole book has a topsy-turvy feel to it. God is referred to as…

Blog Post

3 Steps to Start Rebuilding Trust and Respect in Your Marriage

Marriages Need Trust and Respect Trust and respect are the concrete and re-bar of a strong marital foundation. If one or the other is missing, the marriage structure is weakened and subject to damage. When you and I chose the road to lust land, the erosion of your marriage foundation…

Blog Post

Lead Us Not Into Temptation: James 1:12-17

In mid-January, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a father-son retreat at Camp Barakel in northern Michigan with my 10-year-old son Paul. The beautiful countryside, snow, outdoor activities, great food and fun game room provide special memories. These getaways have now become an annual event for us, and if…

Blog Post

Bake Sales, Sex Trafficking, and Pornography

It was a typical Friday morning walking into the Covenant Eyes‘ world headquarters offices. I needed my usual caffeine fix, so I headed to the break room to grab a cup of coffee (the Christian’s drug of choice). Only this time, things were different: I was greeted by three bright-eyed teenage…

Blog Post

The Sexual Confessions of a Saint – Saying "Never Again" to Porn

Here is a short excerpt from a sermon by John Piper on the transformation of St. Augustine. This ancient story of a sort of Bible-roulette is humorous but nonetheless powerful. Augustine wrote this of his youth: “But I wretched, most wretched, in the very commencement of my early youth, had…

Blog Post

Don’t Neglect the Full Armor of God

  “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.…

Blog Post

Biblical Principles for Parents in the Digital Age

Pornography. Facebook. Gaming. The Internet is full of pleasures, diversions, and vices. What can parents do to overcome the learning curve? David Clark has made the job a little easier with his book, You, Your Family and the Internet: What every Christian in the digital age out to know. David…

Blog Post

How to Tell Your Parents You’re Struggling with Porn

So, you’ve reached the necessary place of maturity or desperation (or both) to recognize your need for your parents’ partnership in your fight for freedom from pornography. I hate that you find yourself in this place, but I’m so hopeful about your future, because you’re doing the right thing. The…