Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Molly’s Story: Peace of Mind with Covenant Eyes

As the mother of four boys, I’ve long been concerned about the problem of pornography. Once a child is exposed to it, the images can easily lodge in their hearts and minds like a poisonous barb, leaking toxins. I thought my children were fairly well-protected. We homeschool our kids, and…

Blog Post

5 Lame Excuses for Putting Up with Your Husband’s Porn

Cartoon by Jerry King 1. What’s the big deal? All men look at porn. It is perfectly normal. Yes, most men look at porn. In this sense your husband is normal. But the real question is whether men should look at porn. Most men and women also lie on their…

Blog Post

Where to Find the Greatest Source of Comfort

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life.  Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves…


How it Works

Porn Is a Human Problem,We Provide a Human Solution Covenant Eyes helps you and the ones you love live porn-free through transformative accountability relationships. Read on to learn how Covenant Eyes can work for you. BETTER. TOGETHER. It Starts With Relationships A lot of companies fighting porn start with technical solutions.…

Last Updated: February 6, 2024

Blog Post

What’s wrong with a little porn?

I recently read a fairly common perspective among men. It appeared on a forum in a thread titled, “Should I divorce my sex-addict husband?” Okay, some of the cases [of sex addiction] are pretty bad and do constitute a divorce. If they’re cheating, doing something illegal, or wasting the family’s…

Blog Post

Surfing to Be Thin

Websites Lure Teens, Give Dangerous Advice on Anorexia, Bulimia In a Facebook age where image is everything, vulnerable teens, especially girls, can be tempted by the lure of “thinspiration.” Hundreds, maybe even more than a thousand, websites inspire people to embrace anorexia and bulimia as  a lifestyle. Called pro-ana or…

Blog Post

5 Simple Steps to Finding an Accountability Partner

Undoubtedly the biggest objection we get when we talk to people about using Internet Accountability Software is this: I don’t have anyone I can trust to be my accountability partner. This is a fair objection, because after all, using Accountability Software without someone who is willing to receive your Accountability…

Blog Post

Restoring the Years [Workbook Review]

I recently spoke to a friend whose husband was admitted into long-term treatment for sexual addiction. I knew she had been in therapy herself, and I asked her how it was going. She said it was going well, but it had been a long, hard road. And, she added, I…