Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Avoiding Porn (Part 3)

I fully realize how hard it is to do what I am charging you to do. I know all too well that the statistical scoreboard says that the church is losing ground in our war against pornography. But I also know that God is on our side; I know we…

Blog Post

Why am I not enough for him?

For women married to a porn user This is a question I’ve heard from every wife I’ve counseled whose husband is involved with pornography. Some of these wives knew about the porn before marriage, but naively believed that she could change him, that their love for one another would help…

Blog Post

Advice on Having “The Talk” with Your Kids

From My Mailbag: Can you give me some overview thoughts on the “sex talk” with your kids? What are some things I should think about? This is a relevant question. Thanks for your request for some “overview” thoughts. Blog posts don’t typically lend themselves to worthy topics and your question…

Blog Post

Responsibly Warning Your Children about Porn

“Help! I just caught my 10-year-old son looking at porn on his tablet he uses for games!” “Checking my child’s phone for something else, I came across the sexual pictures she was exchanging with a boy out of state—at least that’s who she thinks it’s with…one she met in a chat…

Blog Post

A Kinder, Gentler Porn? – Jenna Jameson speaks on Oprah

I just finished watching The Oprah Winfrey Show, “Why Millions of Women Are Using Porn and Erotica: Lisa Ling Reports.” I’m not sure what I expected. Something more balanced, for sure. Maybe a word or two from someone like Shelley Lubben to reveal the darker side of the “adult entertainment…

Blog Post

Fantasies: The Window to Your Wound

Lust and fantasy are always symptoms of a deeper problem. The Bible says over and over in various ways that out of the heart flow the issues we face, not the other way around. Sin is the manifestation of something out of order at a much deeper level. This is…

Blog Post

Protecting Kids From Porn Without Putting Your Computer Behind Bars

There is little doubt that the Internet makes much of life much easier and more convenient in many ways. However, the down side is that it also brings influences you would otherwise avoid right to your doorstep, including pornography. Because it is so hard to regulate and suppliers are constantly…

Blog Post

5 critical steps you must follow to keep up with your kids online

Even good kids can be sneaky. For instance, according to a 2011 Microsoft poll, 67% of children admit to clearing their browser history and cache to hide their online activity from others. Meanwhile, most parents are either unaware or feel so pressured by time that they just can’t keep pace…

Blog Post

Covenant Eyes for Android™ Now Locks Down Other Apps

Our newest version of our Android™ app, released today, includes the ability to lock down other apps.  In our initial plans for this app we stated we wanted to provide app locking. That feature has now arrived. How app locking works After upgrading your app, or downloading it for the first time,…