Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

What the Bible Says About Pornography (Without Using That Word)

What does the Bible say about watching pornography? When I was younger (we’re talking pre-teen years), my favorite thing to do during church on Sundays was to turn to the back of my Bible and scour the concordance for keywords. I looked up words like “gospel,” “faith,” and “righteousness.” Flipping…

Blog Post

Neuroscience and the Mind of Christ: A Reaction to The Huffington Post

Recently, I read an article about the intersection of brain science and human conflict that I found most fascinating. I before you read on, I recommend you first be familiar with Derek Flood’s “Neuroscience and the Mind of Christ“ at the Huffington Post. A Little About Flood’s Perspective Derek Flood represents…

Blog Post

So Sexy, So Soon – Book Review

by Emily Malone I decided to read So Sexy, So Soon because I have a 4-year-old daughter who is much too aware of the messages the world is sending her. Having grown up in an overly sexualized climate myself, I started to recognize the tell-tale signs of a little girl…

Blog Post

When Porn Turns Your Husband into a Stranger

“I don’t even recognize my husband! The kind, gentle man I thought I married is gone and in his place is an angry, accusing man I don’t know. Porn turned him into a stranger.”   This dear lady just wants to be loved and valued by the man she married, but…

Blog Post

Are You Spiritually Crippled by Porn Addiction?

Watch this short video featuring John Piper’s thoughts on the crippling effects of sexual sin from a sermon he preached in 2007: Is this you? Are you walking away from a radical dream of building for God’s kingdom because you are pinned under guilt and shame from pornography and lust?…

Blog Post

What do porn and paying taxes have in common?

Two things in life are certain: dying and paying taxes. I would add a third to the list: being tempted to lust. If you’re a man and still breathing, you will be tempted to lust or look at porn. Temptation isn’t just part of our society–it’s the proving grounds for…

Blog Post

From Accountability to Discipleship

Accountability is one of the foundational principles of Covenant Eyes. Our software is a tool that allows people to take another step in vulnerability and honesty. What Christian men and women often think about when they hear “accountability” is a small group sitting in a circle discussing their failures and…

Blog Post

"Not even a Hint" (Part 4)

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” (Ephesians 5:3, NIV) What does it mean that we have “not even a hint” of sexual impurity among us? How…

Blog Post

Is It Possible to Break Free From Porn?

Many people ask me—usually at the end of one of my presentations about the effects of pornography—if it’s truly possible to be free from porn. They feel they’ve tried everything and are beginning to despair. They’re beginning to think that, while it might be possible for some people to break…

Blog Post

Sexy Baby (Film Review)

“We’re like the first generation to have what we have, so there’s no one before us that can…guide us.” – Winnifred, 13 years old Sexy Baby, a documentary about modern culture’s ability to shape and impact a societal worldview, is a fascinating film. The subject matter follows three women with no…