Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The Mortification of Sin (Part 15 of 15)

We have come to the final chapter of Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers, the classic work by Puritan author John Owen. This 350-year-old text has been celebrated by countless people as the definitive guide to help Christians overcome the power of sin. All that Owen has written up…

Blog Post

Why the Internet is Full of Temptations (and what we can do about it)

How many times have you heard a story about an Internet-related problem in the past few months? I’m not just talking about things like identity theft or cyber crime—I’m talking about all the poor uses of the Internet that seem to ruin lives and dissolve our most important relationships. Headlines…

Blog Post

“The Art of Care and Correction” – Chapter Review

The following is a review of Chapter 5 of Why Small Groups? by C.J. Mahaney. This free e-book is available on the Sovereign Grace Ministries online store and is a helpful guide for accountability groups. . . . . If there is such a thing as a “silver bullet” for…

Blog Post

3 Key Ingredients for a Wonderful Relationship with Your Kids

Parenting is a lifetime appointment. The fact that you are a parent remains regardless of your child’s age. However, the stages of parenting change as our children get older. Know What Parenting Stage You Are In Here’s how I title and describe those stages. 1. Instructor and Protector: In this role, our primary…

Blog Post

10 Ways Your Kids Could See Porn Without You Knowing

“Are you excited for school to start?!” As a kid, I would dread that question. I never wanted summer to end! Of course, now that I’m a parent, I find myself asking that question. For a kid, back-to-school is about the buzzing excitement of a new adventure. It’s shopping for new…

Blog Post

More Than Porn: Accountability in the Grey Areas

Internet pornography is the tip of a very large iceberg. But lurking beneath the water line, there are Internet temptations that don’t get the same press pornography gets. Yet they are just as scandalous and wage a silent war on our souls. Free from Porn but Not from Lust Brian…

Blog Post

Sex in the Media – The Price Our Kids Pay

New evidence points to the media adolescents use frequently (television, music, movies, magazines, and the Internet) as important factors in the initiation of sexual intercourse. There is a major disconnect between what mainstream media portray—casual sex and sexuality with no consequences—and what children and teenagers need. – American Association of…

Blog Post

From Shattered to Victorious: A Letter to Wives

I remember looking in the mirror, sickened by what I saw. How could anyone love that person in the reflection? After all, she looked weary, scared, and hopeless. I cried out loud to the Lord to rescue me before I was completely lost. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t…

Blog Post

Does Porn Cause Memory Loss?

By now, many people know that porn can affect their brains, but did you know that porn has been linked to memory loss? Over the past decade, a growing body of research has demonstrated that porn causes serious problems with working memory. Let’s take a closer look at the connection…