Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Recovery: 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Last week I was having an informal conversation with one of my accountability partners. Our chat flowed through normal catch-up material and soon the quintessential question arose: How are you doing with pornography? Having anticipated this, I delivered a rehearsed answer, one that gave the truth but left out the…

Last Updated: January 22, 2018 Liz Vogt

Blog Post

How to Stop Porn Addiction in Kids…Before It Starts

Among today’s young adults, porn is a common problem. Two-thirds of young men and nearly half of young women think viewing porn is an acceptable way to express one’s sexuality. 64% of guys and 18% of girls look at porn at least once a week. Parents, keep this in mind:…

Blog Post

Hope for the Prodigal Porn Addict: Interview with the Founders of Route1520

Pornography and sexual addictions are discussed with increasing frequency in this modern age. New clinics spring up every year specializing in treating these thorny issues. Support groups numbering in the hundreds pepper the country, many of them meeting in church basements and in the homes of church members. Recently, I…

Blog Post

I Wasn’t the Only Victim of His Porn Addiction

As I battled with insecurities after discovering my husband’s porn addiction, I often blamed “the other woman” for my problems. I hated everything about her. Then, at some point during my healing process I started writing my novel, Exposed. As I researched for Exposed I discovered countless stories of ex-porn…

Blog Post

Women and Porn Addiction: A Christian Response (Free Webinar)

Next Wednesday, May 16, at 2 p.m. (EST), we are hosting a free webinar addressing the subject of women who are addicted to pornography. Pornography is not just a male sin. More and more women today are also being drawn into cyber-lust. 34% of today’s young adult women saw porn…

Blog Post

Scratching the Surface: New Documentary on Porn Addiction

In February I had the privilege of sitting in on the filming of a new documentary, Scratching the Surface (STS). The director, Francois Driessen, drove from London, Ontario, to our headquarters and interviewed about a dozen people. STS is a fresh look at the subject of pornography and its influence on…

Blog Post

The One and Only Counseling Model for Porn Addicts

There are over 250 different counseling models in our country today. You can find anything from the weird to the extreme. There are niche models that focus on memories, more comprehensive models that engage the whole being, and models that are purely secular. Some models integrate the secular with the…

Blog Post

Get a FREE Porn Addiction DVD Resource

Join our cause on Facebook, “Fighting Internet Pornography.” If you recruit 100 people we will ship you a free personal DVD toolkit from Freedom Begins Here, one of the leading ministries battling pornography addiction. This toolkit features in-depth teaching from Dr. Mark Laaser, a recognized Christian authority on sex addiction,…

Blog Post

Jimmy Needham on Porn Addiction [Video Interview]

“I wasn’t raised in a Christian home. We were religious at best. I didn’t learn about sex from my parents, that’s for sure. I was first exposed to the idea of it in fourth grade, which is tragic. I was 9 years old. All of my friends were always older…

Blog Post

Not Just a Guy’s Problem – Women and Porn Addiction

“I find myself feeling such sadness, frustration, disappointment [and] anger and shame. It’s like I can hear Satan laughing in my ear once again.” “I want to get away from the pain and guilt, and the erasing of the internet history, and the wasted time in my room with the…