Search Results for: trafficking

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Exodus Cry – Praying to End Sex Slavery

In “The Mission Briefing,” Exodus Cry founder Benji Nolot provides a passionate overview of the atrocity of sex trafficking, noting the sexual attitudes and content—namely, porn—that fuel the trade. He discusses the causes of this injustice, notes the powerlessness of our actions to accomplish change apart from God’s intervention, and…

Blog Post

The Link Between Pornography and Sex Trafficking

“[E]nding this crime so monstrous is not a political issue; it is an American imperative, and a human responsibility. This is why there are still modern-day abolitionists. And this is why the rest of us should join them.” – Ambassador Richard Holbrooke Sex trafficking is when someone is “coerced, forced,…

Blog Post

JUSTICE WEEK on Breaking Free

Sex sells—it’s not merely a marketing slogan. Sex not only helps advertisers sell a product—in today’s market sex is a product. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sex trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud,…

Blog Post

We’re in the Fight Against Pornography Together

Those in combat don’t ask their fellow service members what their worldviews are while engaging in battle. They have a single focus: defeating the enemy. Rather than get caught up in outlying issues, the successful side is one that combines the strengths of many to fight together and accomplish the…

Blog Post

When a City Says ‘No’ to Porn: Oklahoma City Taking a Stand Against Sexual Media

Recently, billboards have started cropping up all over Oklahoma City with three words on them, “She’s Somebody’s Daughter.” This campaign is raising awareness about how pornography and other kids of sexualized entertainment robs women of their dignity. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has proclaimed today, October 1, as “She’s Somebody’s Daughter…

Blog Post

Porn and Artificial Intelligence

When Chat GPT launched in November 2022, artificial intelligence took the world by storm. And with good reason—the wide array of AI tools now available to the public offer truly breathtaking capabilities. At Covenant Eyes, we strive to stay on the cutting edge of technological developments, so we want to…

Blog Post

In His Image: Giving Dignity Back to the Victims of Sexual Exploitation

“Justice Week” on Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 113 [powerpress] All this week we are exploring the issue of sex trafficking, hearing the stories of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to combat this evil around the world. Reegan Hill is the founder of In His Image Designs, a…

Blog Post

A Summit to End Sexual Exploitation

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) works tirelessly so we might realize, “a world where the pornified vision of reality—with its utilitarian and insatiable consumption of human beings for selfish sexual pleasure, its raw, brutal, debasing, violent and hate-filled themes—becomes unacceptable to all people with concern and respect for the…

Blog Post

Porn and Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 89 [display_podcast] Today we are speaking with Lamont Heibert, Co-Founder of Love146, an organization that works to end child sex slavery and exploitation. Lamont worked as Love146’s Executive Director from 2002 to 2006. Today, Lamont serves as their Director of U.S. Prevention. He speaks with…