Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Among College Students

When I moved out after high school and started attending a large, public university, I quickly realized just how big of a problem porn is among college students. What surprised me even more was the fact that no one besides me seemed to think that it was a problem. I…

Blog Post

Do Christians Overhype Porn Addiction?

Is it true, as one survey suggests, that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women would say they are “addicted” to porn? Really? Has it gotten that bad in the church? A recent study from Case Western Reserve University sheds some light on this subject. Researchers concluded that…

Blog Post

The Missing Link in Porn Addiction Recovery

In my last two videos I laid out a biblical framework for overcoming pornography addiction, and I gave five nuts-and-bolts strategies to give feet to these ideas. In this video I tie these concepts together into an action plan. In which strategy have you been the weakest: run from, run…

Blog Post

The Secret to Beating Porn Addiction

“You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God…Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:3,5) Leave a comment! What is the one take-away from this video that grabs your attention the most? What’s…

Blog Post

8 Characteristics of Porn Addiction

To truly understand pornography addiction, we must first define it and realize it is actually a type of sex addiction. Although there are many definitions for sex addiction, the one I like best was developed by Dr. Mark Laaser: Sexual addiction is “any persistent and escalating unhealthy pattern of sexual…

Blog Post

Is Porn “Addiction” an Accurate Term?

Does the term pornography addiction appear in any diagnostic manuals? The answer is no. Currently, there is debate as they prepare the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), as to whether they should include sexual addiction. The term addiction is not used even with alcohol and drugs.…

Blog Post

Take Porn Addiction Survey

For those who are interested, Dr. William M. Struthers, associate professor of psychology at Wheaton College is conducting an online survey for those who have struggled with habitual porn use. The survey takes about 30 minutes. It includes questions about demographic information (age, gender, education, etc), a section on personality…

Blog Post

The Grace of God and the Porn Addict

I remember when I was struggling with sexual sin in my own life and how it was all I could think about. I lived in a world where guilt and shame reigned supreme. Instead of living in God’s world, where there is forgiveness and grace, I lived in the opposite…

Blog Post

Podcast: A Husband Confesses His Porn Addiction

We often get comments from wives who are struggling with their husbands’ use of porn. If you are interested in hearing from a couple that has dealt with this in the past, please listen to the interview of Tony and Pam Vuke. In this interview they share their story about…

Blog Post

“Hold Me Jesus”: A Prayer for Porn Addiction

For a long time the words of Rich Mullins’ music have captivated me. You might remember him as the author of songs like “Awesome God,” and “Step by Step” (for those of you who were in the late-80s-early-90s Christian music scene). His lyrics have continued to grab at my heart…