Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Biblical Strategy to Overcome Porn Addiction

“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” – 2 Timothy 2:22 Leave a comment below. Where have you seen “run from,” “run to,” or “run with” strategies bear fruit in your life? Download our app…

Blog Post

Facing the Fire of a Husband’s Porn Addiction

Tears. Every day. They saturated my pillows. George didn’t know I cried myself to sleep every night. He didn’t know I imagined those women all day and night, even in my dreams. He didn’t know the torment I went through because telling him only made it worse. So I suffered…

Blog Post

Podcast: Brain Science and Porn Addiction

When someone views pornography, how does the brain react? Much research has been done in recent years about the brain science of pornography addiction. To help understand some of the nuances that researchers have discovered, listen to the following interviews of Mark B. Kastleman, author of the new book, The Drug…

Blog Post

Recommended Reading For Wives of Porn Addicts

Below is a list of books we’ve compiled for wives who are wanting more information about sex/porn addiction and its effects on marriage. Click on any book listed below, and read the editorial and customer reviews to see if the book would be helpful to you. Shattered Vows: Hope and…

Blog Post

Repenting of Porn Addiction (Part 1)

I know all too well that there are no quick fixes: no easy tricks or easy solutions to porn addiction. Believe me, I’ve tried them. There were many times of desperation where my latest epiphany seemed like the missing link to my personal recovery. “This is it!” I thought. “This…

Blog Post

How to Care for a Christian in Porn Addiction

Many thanks to counselor Rick Thomas for his latest article, “How to Care for a Christian in Porn Addiction.” This is an article written for Christian counselors and caregivers who are looking for good resources to help someone with a compulsion to watch pornography. Rick has been a regular author…

Blog Post

Soul-Care For Wives of Porn Addicts

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm, but how can…

Blog Post

Dear Porn Addict, This Is Your Wife

Husbands addicted to porn are often totally ignorant to the relational carnage it unleashes on their wife and loved ones once their addiction is exposed. Being caught as a porn addict is like dropping a nuclear bomb on a relationship. Yes, it feels like a mushroom cloud. But, after a…

Blog Post

How to Treat Porn Addiction in the Church

To what degree do you think sexual sin is impacting the ministry of your church? If 60% of all Christian men are addicted to porn, then every one of them are impacted as well as all of their wives and the kids of those families. If 20% of all Christian…