Search Results for: trafficking

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Practical Ways You Can Get Involved in Opposing Sexual Exploitation

by Noel Bouché There are many ways to get involved in opposing pornography, prostitution, and sex trafficking—but the first step is a matter of the heart. Until we are walking in a lifestyle of prayer, understanding, and resolve, our engagement with the issues will necessarily be limited. Once we are…

Blog Post

A Letter to the Man on the Other Side of the Screen

Episode 171 [powerpress] Recently, sex trafficking victim Anna Malika wrote an open letter to men at entitled, “A Letter to the Man on the Other Side of the Screen.” In our interview with her today, we talk about why she wrote this letter and why she thinks it has struck…

Blog Post

Is Porn Production a Form of Sex Trafficking?

by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial. There are many who would react to it with a strong “no.” Porn, they claim, is just an expression of free speech. It doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s just a bit of “adult” fun. They argue that the suggestion…

Blog Post

Supply and Demand: Porn and Sex Trafficking

PureJusice is a part of a global movement to deal with both the supply and demand side of sex trafficking, which is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act” (as defined by U.S. federal law). The United States Department…

Blog Post

You Can Stop the Demand for Child Sexual Exploitation

An Open Letter from the Covenant Eyes President Greetings, My name is Ron DeHaas, President of Covenant Eyes, and I am writing to you out of concern for our children. Today some 293,000 American youths are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Child trafficking is reported in…

Blog Post

Porn & the Demand for Sex Trafficking (10 Eye-Opening Stats)

“The johns watch porn, seeing violent and aberrant behaviors on film, then they crave the realization of what they have seen. Those obsessions drive them to the prostituted women and girls to get what they have seen depicted so graphically.” – Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D. Activists who routinely speak out…

Blog Post

Who Buys Sex? Linking Porn and Human Trafficking

I have seen the face of human trafficking. While filming Nefarious: Merchant of Souls–a documentary on the global sex trade–I traveled to a small village on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I had heard that the village was a hotspot for child sex tourism, but I wasn’t sure what…

Blog Post

Is pain in porn wrong? Only half of adults think so.

A brand new national survey of 1188 adults* asked what type of images are always wrong in porn.  Among those who actually use porn, nearly half–46%–of adults said that images of “sexual acts that may be forced or painful” are not “wrong.” Among teens and young adults (ages 13 –…

Blog Post

10 Seconds: A Film About Sex Slavery from Trafficking to Addiction

A man sits nervously in his car outside a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Inside that house, he knows, is an underground prostitution operation: women waiting for him if he would only knock on the door. If his wife, friends, and fellow church members knew where he was at…

Blog Post

Keeping Your Kids Safe from Sex Trafficking

Many people believe that sex trafficking only happens to the runaway, the poor, the disenfranchised youth. While that population is more at risk, it can happen to anyone. In chapter one of In Our Backyard, the true story of “Sarah,” a young Christian girl who was a straight-A student from…