Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How Addicted Are They? Levels of Porn Addiction

Have you ever noticed how many different approaches there are to overcoming porn? Even in closely connected Christian circles, we find completely different—even contradicting—recovery programs and advice. There are many reasons for the differences, and some have to do with deeply held convictions about how God works to change people.…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Help

Freedom from the Power of Lust “Sex has become the religion of the most civilized portions of the earth. The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.” – Malcolm Muggeridge (British journalist) Matthew is 23 years old, single, just graduated from college,…

Blog Post

Be Aware: Porn Harms – Is Porn Addictive?

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 106 [powerpress] In this special series on Covenant Eyes Radio, we are addressing the harms caused by pornography. This week we are talking about the controversial subject of pornography addiction. Can someone be truly addicted to pornography? We have three guests for our roundtable discussion.…

Blog Post

Have Porn Addiction, Will Travel

We have a closet that perpetually needs to be cleaned out and organized. It seems to attract junk on a daily basis. It’s also the holding spot for all things craft, which means it receives regular visits from our youngest. And while she normally creates something of beauty, she leaves…

Blog Post

Resources for Wives of Porn Addicts

If your husband looks at porn, you know firsthand the pain, frustration, and confusion that this can inflict. You are not alone. Ever since our blog was launched in 2008, we’ve written hundreds of articles and conducted many interviews for women who are married to porn addicts. Below are some…

Blog Post

New Resource Available for Porn Addicts

A brand new resource is available today for those who feel caught in the grip of pornography addiction. The “Freedom Begins Here” tool kits are available for purchase online (available in select stores later this year). This is a quality DVD series that will teach clear strategies for those struggling…

Blog Post

How to Be a Porn Addict’s Best Friend

A friend of yours may be a porn addict, but if he’s still struggling, he might not be a really close friend. Everything about being an addict screams isolation and shame. Fear can be a strong motivator to keep them thinking it’s a good idea to deal with their addiction privately and block everyone out…

Blog Post

The Ridiculously Predictable Cycle of Porn Addiction

Battling against sexual images and content is a full time job for most Christian men. They must battle against it while waiting in line at the grocery store next to the tabloids. They must battle it while seeing explicit billboards on the highway. They must battle it while working on…

Blog Post

Understanding the 5 Mentalities of a Porn “Addict”

While many of my books and booklets have a focus upon substance abuse issues, a struggle with any “addictive” pleasure of sin is a war within one’s heart desires. Anything pleasurable on this earth can become enslaving so the applications are manifold. Two of the books I wrote address the…