Search Results for: porn addicts

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Can God Change a Porn Addict? A Candid Interview with David Zailer

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 129 [powerpress] Today on Covenant Eyes Radio we are interviewing David Zailer, the Executive Director of Operation Integrity. David begins by talking about a particularly memorable night in his life. He was 40 years old, and at that point in his life he was facing…

Blog Post

3 Truths About Porn Addiction Every Woman Needs to Know

Do you have a hard time believing you will ever find freedom from porn addiction? I have been there. There were nights when I thought I would never break free from the addiction. I wanted victory over my struggle with porn, but I believed I would always lose the battle.…

Blog Post

10 Signs of Porn Addiction: Do these describe your husband?

Is your husband addicted to porn? If you know—or suspect—he is watching porn, how can you tell if it’s an occasional past-time or a full-on addiction? It can be traumatizing to find out that your husband is entrenched in this habit—and deeply confusing as well. Someone addicted to porn may…

Blog Post

Michael Cusick's Story: restoring the soul after porn addiction

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 44 [display_podcast] This week we are featuring a series of podcasts for pastors and other ministry professionals who are secretly struggling with pornography and other sexual temptations. Today we will hear from Michael Cusick, founder of Restoring the Soul, a ministry to Christian leaders who…

Blog Post

3 Tools Every Marriage Needs to Fight Porn Addiction

The day I stood at the altar, I wish someone would have told Craig and me that there are three tools every marriage needs to survive—grace, truth, and love. I wish someone would have also told us that these three tools must be used all at the same time—in conjunction—or…

Blog Post

Redeeming My Marriage After Porn Addiction: Robi’s Story

I never thought my life would have any association with the word pornography. I grew up in a Christian family with my mom, dad, and brother. My childhood was great. We didn’t even have a computer until I was in my college years. My dad never had any objectionable material…

Blog Post

Big Mistakes Churches Make When Helping Porn Addicts

A recent survey indicates that 52% of Christian men and 10% of Christian women view porn at least several times a month. Most of these individuals sit in their churches week after week, and no one knows their dirty little secret. What can the church do to create an environment that…

Blog Post

How NOT to Tell Your Spouse About Your Porn Addiction

If you’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for any amount of time, confessing it to your spouse can be a very difficult and overwhelming thing to do. The anticipation of their pain and their feelings of betrayal is almost enough to keep you silent. Your web browser does not…