Search Results for: trafficking

Support Article

Why can’t I stream or cast on an iPhone® with Covenant Eyes?

To protect copyrighted material, some streaming apps may produce black screenshots on your email report in the Victory app Activity Feed. Some streaming apps (like Spectrum TV) have built-in safety features to protect copyrighted material from pirating. Their safety features may conflict with Covenant Eyes on iPhones/iPads. Casting or Streaming…

Last Updated: November 28, 2023

Support Article

What is a Likely-Explicit DNS Connection?

Likely-Explicit DNS Connection means Covenant Eyes detected a pornographic domain (website) on an iPhone® or iPad®. About DNS DNS stands for Domain Name System. A domain is a website, like or Covenant Eyes monitors all website traffic on an iPhone® or iPad® but only flags adult (likely-explicit) websites.…

Last Updated: May 7, 2024

Support Article

Changes to Email Reports

New! Switch User Reporting: This item has been in Victory for a while, so we added it to Check-ins. New Summary: The Check-in Summary now matches the Summaries we use in Victory. New Legend/Key for the Summary: People have asked for more context around the Summary, and we hope the…

Last Updated: March 7, 2024

Blog Post

“Hey, wanna see something?” – Brandon’s Journey Away From Porn

“Hey, wanna see something?” It was the question that would change my life for the next 16 years. This question seemed quite harmless to an innocent 12-year-old just hanging out with his best friend, wasting time on the computer. Little did I know that I was walking right into a…

Blog Post

Faith Leaders: When We Blame Lust, We Intensify Sexual Sin

To be sure, lust is one of the most important contributing factors to sexual brokenness. But in our excessive focus on lust, we have lost sight of the other interrelated factor that drives sexual sin more than all the rest: anger. Despite the potential damage lust and anger cause, they…

Blog Post

Is watching porn a sin?

Question: Is porn a sin? Answer: Yep. Answered. Done. Case closed. Shortest blog post ever. Except chances are good that it’s not a good enough answer for you. Maybe you’ve heard conflicting answers from people you trust and need help understanding the truth. Maybe you think it’s not hurting anyone,…

Support Article

What is the Mobile Background Data report section?

This article applies to older accounts that deliver activity via email and My Account. The free Victory app provides 24/7 reporting. It is standard for all new accounts and available to older accounts. The Mobile Background Data report section (or it may say “No Concerning Mobile Background Data”) contains any…

Last Updated: March 29, 2023

Support Article

How do I know if Covenant Eyes is working properly on an iPhone®?

Check Your Home Screen You should see the Covenant Eyes app on the iPhone®/iPad® home screen. If you cannot find the Covenant Eyes app on your home screen or in your App Library, install Covenant Eyes from the App Store®. Check Our VPN If Covenant Eyes is working properly on…

Last Updated: June 13, 2024

Blog Post

Is Porn Addiction Real or Myth? The Debate Continues

What if someone told you—despite what popular media says—that “sex addiction” or “porn addiction” aren’t real? What if someone told you the whole thing is an inaccurate label that isn’t helping but is rather harming people in the long run? The concept of “sexual addiction” has been around a long…