Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (Part 4)

“Every uncorrected error and unrepented sin is, in its own right, a fountain of fresh error and fresh sin flowing on to the end of time.” (C.S. Lewis) When Paul looked in the mirror, when he took a long, honest look at himself, he knew there was nothing good in…

Blog Post

How to monitor teens online: A parental question in the digital age

When it comes to Internet safety, the early and middle childhood years can seem cut-and-dry for parents: set rules, monitor, block, filter. Easy. But as kids become teenagers, parenting can feel like uncharted waters—especially online. Two important facts, when mixed, often cause great confusion… The Internet is full of dangers…

Blog Post

10 Steps to Finding a Great Accountability Partner

When you are using Accountability Software, the most important question to ask is: Who should receive your Accountability Reports? For some people, the choice of an accountability partner (or an ally as we like to call it) is an obvious one: a parent, a best friend, a spouse. But a…

Blog Post

The Best Kept Secret for Keeping Kids Pure

Recently, a dad proudly told me he put Covenant Eyes on his son’s iPod. “What about your iPhone?” I asked. It didn’t take this dad long to connect the dots: (1) As a man, he is also susceptible to online temptation, he admitted, and (2) his son would embrace accountability…

Blog Post

It’s Time to Take the Dad Challenge

There are always things we need to improve on as parents, but before I get to that I want to talk about what we’re doing right. Parents are doing a lot of things right these days, something we may not hear a lot. Fathers in particular have improved in their…

Blog Post

Pleasure, Longings, and an Unsatisfied Heart

There were early indications that I had unrealistic expectations and was prone to disappointment and depression when things didn’t go according to plan. An early story took place at a railroad crossing. I don’t have conscious recollection since I was only two or three. But my parents insist I was…

Blog Post

Awakening Our Thirst for God (part 2)

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.’” In a previous post we spoke about a festival in Jerusalem in the days of Jesus where the pilgrims would cry out to God to pour out His Spirit upon them,…

Blog Post

Sold for Life

How Advertising Influences Children, and What You Can Do About It You’ve no doubt seen the kid in the grocery store, throwing a temper tantrum because his parents wouldn’t buy him the new toy or candy he wanted. Maybe you’ve even been that parent, and you know the sting of…

Blog Post

When Porn Shattered My Fairytale World

When I got married, I wanted the sun to shine and the sky to be blue. I wanted the birds to sing and the flowers to bloom and for us to hold hands and just be happy together forever. What I wanted was happily ever after. And what I got…

Blog Post

5 Fears That Keep Us from Talking to Kids about Porn

Why do we put off what we know we need to do, even when we know it is something very important? In my experience most parents know that modern day pornography is more dangerous than ever and that they need to regularly talk with their kids about it. However, my…