Search Results for: porn addicts

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Neuroscience and the Mind of Christ: A Reaction to The Huffington Post

Recently, I read an article about the intersection of brain science and human conflict that I found most fascinating. I before you read on, I recommend you first be familiar with Derek Flood’s “Neuroscience and the Mind of Christ“ at the Huffington Post. A Little About Flood’s Perspective Derek Flood represents…

Blog Post

How to Find Freedom from Lust

You’ll be free from lust when you’re dead. No, not dead in the physical sense, contrary to the very unscriptural advice that many well-intentioned people give when they say things like, “As long as you have a flesh, you’ll struggle with lust.” We don’t say similar things about any other…

Blog Post

5 Tech Questions to Ask Every School Principal

For anyone with school-aged children, it’s back to school time! Many school buildings have spent the summer cleaning, upgrading, and in some cases, incorporating new technologies into their classrooms. As a father of four children spanning pre-school through middle school, I keenly understand the busyness that accompanies the school routine. Sports.…

Blog Post

The Serious Comedy of Keith Deltano

Keith Deltano stands before hundreds of high school students mocking the locker-room talk so many guys engage in. Many male teens face the peer pressure to prove their masculinity by sleeping around: “When are you going to be a real man?” Deltano shouts, “You tell that loser: ‘My dog had…

Blog Post

3 Challenges to Accountability with Your Kids (and How to Overcome Them)

Rather than let challenges to accountability frighten us away, we can anticipate potential problems and address them early on. By planning ahead, we can gain confidence to start needed conversations about pornography, sex, and healthy habits. Some of these challenges are related to our children but others are solely in…

Blog Post

3 Critical Steps to Protect Children After Betrayal

For the woman who has experienced the devastation of betrayal, the pain runs very deep. Her life has been thrown into a tailspin. But as bad as this crisis feels, the anguish is compounded exponentially when children are involved. Seeing their young lives impacted so negatively only adds to the…

Blog Post

"What Makes a Great Small Group Leader?" – Chapter Review

The following is a review of Chapter 4 of Why Small Groups? by C.J. Mahaney. This free e-book is available on the Sovereign Grace Ministries online store and is a helpful guide for accountability groups. . . . . There are many different kinds of Christian books. There are some…

Blog Post

Why do teens sext?

Twenty percent of teens have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves, either over the Internet or through cell phones. The question many adults are asking is what motivates this kind of behavior. A couple weeks ago danah boyd spoke at Columbia University for The ReadWriteWeb…

Blog Post

Parents Make Little Headway in Porn Prevention Without Honesty

In my experience parents often become ineffective helping their children avoid pornography when they discover how honest they must be for that process to actually work. I’m not talking about the child’s honesty, but the parent’s. Too many parents have embraced a refusal to be real with their children as…