Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

4 Ways to Address Sexy Images on Facebook

If you’re anything like me or 48% of other Facebook users, one of the first things you do when you wake up is check your news feed. Or maybe you’re one of the 28% who peruse its contents before they even get out of bed. There are mornings I come…

Blog Post

Snapped: An Innocent App Goes Wild

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. Dawn, mother of three, thought she had her bases covered with the Internet safety of her kids. But when a new app on her daughter’s phone led to private photos getting into the wrong hands, she knew this problem was so much bigger. Parents, if…

Blog Post

iPorn: Coming to a School Near You

$1 billion. That’s how much America’s second-largest school district is paying to get iPads into the hands of every one of its 650,000 students this year. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is paying $678 per iPad—each one preloaded with educational software—and installing wireless networks on all of its…

Blog Post

Leah Darrow’s Story: Finding Freedom from a Pornified Culture

Seeking Validation and Identity Leah Darrow grew up in a Christian home and believed in Jesus. But in high school, she started looking for her identity in other places. Like many young people, Leah longed to be loved, affirmed, and validated for who she was as a person. Unfortunately, she…

Blog Post

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: A Parent-Child Bible Study

Talking to their kids about lust and pornography feels daunting for many parents. And these topics are secondary to a more foundational discussion of sex. Parents who are fearful of talking to their kids about sex leave a void of silence the world—especially pornography—will be glad to fill. The problem…

Blog Post

The God Who Sees Me

The following blog post is based on a sermon given by Chris McKenna at the Wesleyan Church of Hamburg in January 2018. If your church recognizes that porn is eroding the lives of people in your congregation (which we believe it is doing in churches everywhere), please consider setting up…

Blog Post

Rethinking the Sex Talk (Part 2)

Talking to a son about girls, sex, and pornography can make even a dad’s face blush. But dads can help their sons understand the difference between healthy relationships and the pathologies of today’s sex-soaked culture. Helping Boys Grow into Healthy Young Men This is the second of a two-part Q&A…

Blog Post

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Many Christians wonder whether masturbation is a sin. You can find a lot of disagreement on this. For one thing, masturbation is very common. Can a habit so deeply ingrained in human nature be sinful? More than that, it can be challenging to know what exactly the Bible says about…

Blog Post

Teens and Internet Pornography (Part 3)

Read Part 2 Christian parents often have questions about what to do after looking at critical factors that play into the problem of teens viewing pornography. – – – – What Can Parents Do? Parents face a frightening realization when they become aware of the temptations their teens face. But it is important…