Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Can you masturbate without lusting?

At first glance, the question, “Can you masturbate without lusting?” might sound like an odd question. Same with the question, “Is masturbation without porn a sin?” For those who feel no guilt or shame about the matter, the question sounds ridiculous. For those who are utterly opposed to all masturbation,…

Blog Post

Rethinking the Sex Talk (Part 1)

What every son needs to hear from his dad Many dads feel awkward when talking to their sons about girls, feelings, sex, and…yikes, pornography. Dr. Dave Currie, a counselor and president of Doing Family Right, encourages dads to give a gift to their sons that they likely never received. Talking…

Blog Post

I Kept My Porn Struggle a Secret—Until My Wife Confessed First

“Everywhere”: temptation’s presence summed up in a single word. It is remarkable to me how humans thrive in our creative approaches to immorality. Before I was married and before I had ever heard of Covenant Eyes, I would find myself working creatively to hide what I prayed would remain hidden.…

Blog Post

“In You, O Porn, I Take Refuge”: 3 Reasons Pornography is Sinful

Religion and sex are are popularly perceived as mortal enemies. Biblical ethics teach a restricted view of sexuality: sex finds its proper place in marriage and nowhere else. Compared to the values of the Sexual Revolution, Christianity is perceived as anti-sex, backwards, and prudish. But Biblical ethics do not stem from…

Blog Post

When Your Child Chooses Sexual Impurity

What should we do when a child chooses to walk a path not in line with sexual purity? What if we put into practice everything we learn from experts and books and a child still ignores us? Or maybe a child does follow our guidance when they are young, and…

Blog Post

The One Way to Parent Well in the Digital Age

 “When correcting a child, the goal is to apply light, not heat.” –Woodrow Wilson Do any of you remember feeling “heat” from your parents? That one childhood incident that initiated the full fury of mom and dad? Everyone has a few stories. Woodrow Wilson himself had three daughters within three…

Blog Post

Human Trafficking: Not Just a Third-World Issue

Recently, I’ve heard people using a phrase that goes something like this, “Oh, my refrigerator is so full I can’t close it, #firstworldproblem.” In other words, only certain parts of the world have certain issues. If I asked the average American to name three countries where slavery still exists today, chances…

Blog Post

Porn is False Intimacy

Drinking from the well that doesn’t run dry by Dr. Mark Murphy Jesus, as the incarnate Son of God, knows human longings and needs perfectly. We see this on full display in the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John, which describes the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman…

Blog Post

Finding Freedom from the Cave of Shame

 “Our brokenness is a bridge, not a barrier.” Have you ever experienced what seems like the end of the road—a feeling like you’re trapped in a dark, inescapable cave? Alone, enslaved, ashamed, and often believing that you are too far gone for help. You can stay there. You have stayed…

Blog Post

Hungry for Porn or Just Hungry?

What in the world would make a fish go after a worm on a hook? Perhaps it’s because he’s just a total idiot. Or he’s a disgusting gluttonous pig who can’t control his desires. Maybe it’s because he’s evil.  Possibly it’s because he’s worthless and doesn’t even deserve to live at all.…