Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How a Little “Harmless” Entertainment Can Affect Your Husband

Numerous Christian men I’ve counseled have shared how their Christian wives read romance novels and watch movies and shows that contain nudity in front of them, even asking them to watch with them. Ironically, these men are trying their hardest to remain sexually pure for their wives, while their wives…

Blog Post

#MeToo and the Deep Cultural Concerns It Highlights

Social media has been taken by storm in recent weeks with brave women sharing their #metoo stories. Stories about how “they too” have been sexually abused, sexually assaulted, or sexually harassed during their lifetime. This movement of women sharing their stories has shone light on the dark reality of our culture…

Blog Post

Your Child and Porn: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence: it’s a buzz phrase right now. You may have heard it a number of places: blogs, talk shows, the news, or documentaries. But this evasive phrase is more than just a fad; it is an important skill for children and adults alike! Emotional intelligence is as important as…

Blog Post

Painful story of teen’s bullying, suicide serves as warning to parents

Amanda Todd’s heart-wrenching video of how she was bullied and stalked leaves indelible questions and even fears for parents: “How can kids be so cruel? Could this happen to my child or a teen in my community? How could I protect them?” “I was shocked at how it hurt me,”…

Blog Post

Pope Francis Addresses the Harms of Porn on Children

The content you read here may include religious language from other denominations. Please don’t let this distract from the overall message. Covenant Eyes frequently writes from a Christian perspective (both Catholic and Protestant), but we work with those of various religious beliefs and those with no religious beliefs in the fight…

Blog Post

His Porn Problem: He hates when I bring it up

After admitting their porn problem, a lot of men get angry and annoyed when their wives bring the subject up. The wife wants to heal and feels like she needs to communicate these things in order to overcome this. He, however, feels like they need to move on to overcome…

Blog Post

Porn and the Hope of Resurrection

One early spring day, a little over a week before his own death, Jesus stood at the side of a tomb, weeping. A dear friend had been laid inside several days earlier. The man’s two sisters stood nearby—one grief-fraught but standing firm, the other grieving at his feet. They had…

Blog Post

Are you wearing “text goggles”? Love in the time of texting

As a millennial, I understand the appeal of the text message. It’s easy, convenient, non-threatening, and can be ignored. I have texted guys to suggest a hang-out when I hadn’t heard from them in a while; I have received tweets, texts, and e-mails from men for last-minute “dates” that never…