Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Tips for talking to your kids about porn

Today the Computer is a household staple. Kids of all ages are experiencing various aspects of what computers and the internet have to offer. Kids begin at an early age using the computer and if we are going to protect our kids from internet predators, pornography, and other dangers we…

Blog Post

Biblical Accountability: What It Is and How to Live It

Everyone knows accountability is important, right? Whether it’s politics, sports, or personal habits, it seems like everyone talks about the need for accountability. Research shows that accountability is ESSENTIAL for any social system: “Social systems in general can be defined in terms of common sets of shared expectations for behavior.…

Blog Post

Keys to living with a frog who acted like a prince

When Lois found out about Clark’s porn problem she was devastated. From her perspective there was no hope that their marriage could ever be restored. There were some things she could overlook, but anything related to sexual infidelity was the ultimate slap in the face, the ultimate betrayal, and the…

Blog Post

Been There, Done That (Part 1)

Some Personal (and Painful) Recollections Regarding Sexual Sin Years ago my wife and I saw the film “Moonstruck,” in which the actress Cher made some insightful remarks during one of the movie’s key scenes: “A person can see where they’ve messed up in their life, and they can change the…

Blog Post

5 Ways to Serve the Sexually Broken

When someone mentions missions, there are usually a few thoughts that come to mind: Perhaps that is a shallow misrepresentation of how some people view missions. For many, though, it is a sad reality. Missions is nothing more than travel—with a little Jesus. But, if we see sexual brokenness as…

Blog Post

How to Help Your Daughter Fight for Purity

When I was a teen, the thought of telling my parents about my sexual struggles absolutely terrified me. I knew I needed help, but for some reason they were the last ones I wanted to be honest with. It took me several months of praying and wrestling in my heart…

Blog Post

What Does the Bible Say About Masturbation?

I have looked for the word “masturbation” in the Bible and haven’t found it. The Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about touching yourself or pleasuring yourself. But I’m convinced that God’s Word tells us everything we need for life and godliness, including potentially uncomfortable topics like this. The Bible’s clear…

Blog Post

Under New Management: You Are Not Your Own

When my wife and I moved into our current home 19 years ago, we decided to hang onto our prior house and rent it out. Since then, land-lording has provided plenty of teachable moments, none more useful and relevant to me than the lesson of the difference between management and…

Blog Post

Mentoring Millennials With Timeless Truths

How do we help mentor the next generation of Christians as they move into the workplace and start on their life journey? Have expectations changed over the past few decades? How has new technology transformed the conversation? What techniques, words, and actions seem to be most effective in 2013? I…

Blog Post

3 Biblical Strategies for Fighting Lust

“Don’t touch. Don’t taste. Don’t handle”. We hear these three “rules” often when learning how to fight—and overcome—lust. The problem is, mere rule-keeping does not itself get to the heart of lust. This is one of the great lessons Paul teaches in Scripture. Merely knowing the law only aggravates our lusts (Romans…