Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Transparency: Tough But Always Worth It

Whether I care to admit it or not, porn is a big part of my life. It seems shameful, but that’s the reality I live in, for better or worse. I have learned many lessons through porn use and recovery, sure, but often at great cost. The Lesson of Integrity…

Blog Post

Rebuilding Trust in Marriage Through Boundaries

In situations where a marriage has been affected by pornography use, it’s common for one person to feel responsible for the healing process, while the other doesn’t take enough responsibility. This dynamic can lead to resentment, self-centeredness, and controlling behaviors. For example, a husband might blame his porn use on…

Blog Post

Sexting Statistics: What do the surveys say?

“It’s a way to express your feelings. If a guy and a girl are in love, instead of saying it face to face, they can say it through technology.” (18-year-old guy from Brooklyn) Sending nude or otherwise provocative images of yourself online or through your cell phone is called “sexting.”…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Find a Quality Accountability Partner

There are two critical ingredients to a good accountability relationship. They can be summarized in the following proverbs: Genuine friendship: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17) Penetrating wisdom: “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man…

Blog Post

An Open Letter to Pornography

This post has been updated as of May 2021.  Dear Pornography, I met you at a young age. As memory serves, I was around the age of seven the first time I was shown a pornographic magazine. Little did I know that it would be the beginnings of the longest…

Blog Post

Navigating the Holidays Alone

It seems the Hallmark-like images of holiday celebrations and Christmas romances are everywhere this time of year. For women married to active pornography users, these perfect Christmas card images can hijack our ability to regulate the trauma of betrayal with their associated triggers. The truth is, even if it looks…

Blog Post

“Why Doesn’t God Help Me Overcome Porn for Good?”

You’ve tried everything to deal with your porn struggle. You’ve read all the right books, listened to the podcasts, maybe even talked to a counselor. You studied passages in the Bible about freedom from sin and prayed God would remove it from you.  There may have been times it seemed…

Blog Post

Map for Parents in the Digital Technology Jungle

by Dr. David Murray As a pastor, I’ve come across many different parental approaches to the jungle of digital technology. The ostrich parent sticks his head in the sand and hopes that the next time he pulls his head out, computers, cell phones, the Internet, and all the problems they…