Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Things I Always Say to Porn-Shocked Wives

I answer a lot of letters from women dealing with the discovery of porn in their marriages. Mostly, they are shocked and hurt and alone, wondering where to go from here. While I answer every one of those letters individually, over time I’ve realized there are some things I almost…

Blog Post

36 Ridiculous Clichés Singles Are Tired of Hearing

It is estimated 25% of Millennials will never get married. In fact, the chances of never getting married are higher now than ever before. In the face of such fantastically optimistic statistics, more and more people are dishing out dating advice to singles. What you say What a single person thinks…

Blog Post

Covenant Eyes Was Made for Families: Students Share Their Stories

For many young people, “accountability” might sound like a code word for “my parents are spying on me.” But recently I heard from three students who expressed a very different perspective. Three of this year’s scholarship applicants relate their experiences growing up with accountability in the home, and the important…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Break the Trigger of Boredom

What drives you to porn? What are the specific triggers that cause you to crave it? There may be a number of triggers. You’re hungry. You’re anrgy. You had a bad day at work. You’re feeling rejected. Or, simply, you’re bored. That last one is huge! One survey of a…

Blog Post

Strengthening Your Relationships as a Defense Against Porn

“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” —Romans 12:10 As men, we have a unique tendency to have shallow relationships. Often, this results from poor relationship management and the inability to become vulnerable with our friends, spouse, or children. This is troubling because the Bible…

Blog Post

Know How To Take a Wife?

I once asked a pastor friend of mine what I could do about my problem of lust. He looked at me, with a matter-of-fact expression, and said, “It would be easier if you were married.” This was the kind of advice that drove me bonkers, to say the least. There…

Blog Post

Blaming the Mrs.

Adding Injustice to Injury Sex scandals and car accidents have much in common—injured parties, public spectacle, and charges hurled every which way amidst an abrupt, life changing tragedy. They both attract and repel us as we drive by, shaking our disapproving heads even as we crane our necks to see…

Blog Post

Fear, Frustration and Fighting Porn

Many people struggle with an addiction to porn. When I was addicted to pornography, one of my trigger points that led to temptation was frustration. Whether directed toward a family member, friend, or a circumstance, I often handled frustration the wrong way. Perhaps frustration is one of your trigger points too- leading you…

Blog Post

The Mortification of Sin (Part 10 of 15)

All sins are not the same. I know that statement runs contrary to what we typically hear in preaching, but it’s true. Many times preachers say, “All sins are the same in God’s eyes” to make the dramatic point about not minimizing the sins we tend to overlook. But this…

Blog Post

Caught By a Predator: Woman Speaks Out 10 Years After Her Abduction

His sweaty hand squeezed her hand tightly as they made the five-hour drive to his home, saying things like, “Shut up. Be good. The trunk’s cleaned out for you.” Terrified, 13-year-old Alicia Kozakiewicz wondered how she might escape or if she would live to see her family again. Finally, late…